


Bruxism is clenching or grinding of teeth, Bruxism can occur during sleep (sleep bruxism) and while awake (awake bruxism). In some people, bruxism causes headaches, neck pain, and/or jaw pain. The most severe and extensive grinding and clenching occurs during sleep. People may be oblivious to their bruxism, but family members might notice. Bruxism can abrade and eventually wear down enamel and dentin in the crowns of teeth, damage metal or ceramic dental crowns, and cause teeth to become mobile.


The factors leading to bruxism are not known, combination of genetic, psychological and physical factors may be responsible for bruxism.
1. Awake bruxism – Causes for awake bruxism include stressful situations and an automatic reflex to deep concentration or emotions like anxiety, anger, tension, and frustration.
2. Sleep Bruxism – Stress or anxiety, affectS sleep which may lead to sleep bruxism. Sleep bruxism is associated with other sleep disorders like snoring or obstructive sleep apnoea.


  1. Genetics. Sleep bruxism runs in members of the same family.
  2. Aggressive or competitive persons are more at risk of developing bruxism.
  3. Young children are at a higher risk than adults.
  4. Constant stress or anxiety.
  5. Side effect of antidepressants.
  6. Caffeine-rich diet.
  7. Excessive alcohol intake.
  8. Tobacco smoking.
  9. Disorders like epilepsy, ADHD, sleep-related disorders like sleep apnea, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.


  1. Cina – Grinding of Teeth in Children

Cina is useful a medicine for bruxism in children, the grinding of teeth occurs during sleep at night. The child may also scream at night, there is foul breath and frothy saliva. Sometimes, the child is highly irritable, ill-humored, and may tend to bite and strike others, in cases of teeth grinding because of worm infestation.

  1. Santoninum –

Santoninum is an effective treatment for bruxism caused by worm infestation. It works well both for grinding as well as clenching of teeth during sleep. Restlessness during sleep may also be a symptom, along with an itchy nose and abdominal pains.

  1. Chamomilla –Angry Personalities

Chamomilla works well for patients prone to getting frequent fits of violent anger. theymay be very obstinate and quarrelsome. They may also be sensitive to noise and pain. Chamomilla is a good treatment for bruxism in children during dentition.

  1. Belladonna – Bruxism with a Headache

Belladonna is very useful treatment for bruxism which is accompanied by a throbbing pain in the head. The patient’s face may turn red along with the headache, he may have mood swings, be forgetful, and suffer from mental confusion. The patient may also be restless and delirious.

  1. Arsenic Album – Bruxism with Anxiety

Arsenic Album is a highly effective medicine for bruxism in persons suffering from intense anxiety and restlessness. Such patients suffer from fears, cannot find rest in one place, and are prone to shifting places. These patients grind their teeth while asleep. Their teeth may seem longer and are very sensitive to pressure.

  1. Plantago – Bruxism with a Toothache

Plantago is an effective treatment for bruxism in cases where teeth grinding occurs along with severe tooth pain and sensitivity. Grinding of teeth takes place at night. There may be a feeling of soreness in the teeth along with increased salivation. Sometimes, a pain in the ears may accompany the grinding of teeth.