मांसपेशी और हड्डी से संबंधित स्थितियों में से गठिया जोड़ों की सूजन से शुरू होने वाली सबसे दर्दनाक अपघटन बीमारियों में से एक है. यह स्थिति विशेष रूप से कमजोर हो सकती है क्योंकि यह प्रगति करता है और आमतौर पर बुजुर्गों और वृद्धावस्था को प्रभावित करने के लिए जाना जाता है. फिर भी, वे इस स्थिति का एकमात्र पीड़ित नहीं हैं क्योंकि गठिया से पीड़ित कई मरीज़ युवा हैं. विभिन्न प्रकार के गठिया एक ऐसा रूप है.
गठिया रोग के तीन रूपों में से एक है और इसे सबसे दर्दनाक प्रकारों में से एक माना जाता है. जोड़ों में यूरेट क्रिस्टल का संचय अक्सर इसकी सूजन की ओर जाता है, जो गठिया का प्रारंभ बिंदु है. हालाँकि, इस शर्त के लिए कई तरह के उपचार और प्रबंधन उपायों उपलब्ध हैं, होम्योपैथी का पुराना रूप सबसे अधिक अनुशंसित है.
The underlying cause of gout is a disturbance in Purine metabolism of the body. Purine is a substance found plenty in the living cells as well as in many food articles. Uric acid is a body waste product, which is produced in the body after the breakdown of Purine. Under-excretion of uric acid through the kidneys and large intestines or excess formation of uric acid due to certain factors (such as alcohol, lack of physical activity, crash diet, meat, etc.) leads to accumulation of excess uric acid in the blood, eventually leading to Gout. The exact cause for the underexcretion remains unknown in many cases, and it is believed to be more genetically determined.
Gout is an intensely painful condition, which mostly affects only one joint (monoarthritis) at a time, most commonly the big toe. However, Gout may also affect elbows, knees, ankles, wrists or small joints of the hands and feet. The classic history in a patient suffering from Gout is of excruciating and sudden pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and stiffness of the joint. The low-grade fever may also be present. The skin overlying the joint can also be swollen, tender and sore if it is touched even lightly. Patients with longstanding hyperuricemia (high levels of uric acid in the blood) can have uric acid crystal deposits called tophi in other tissues as well, e.g. the helix of the ear.
Having understood that Gout is caused by the constitutional factors, it calls for a constitutional approach towards its treatment. The constitutional approach involves evaluation of the individual factors inclusive of one's personal and family history (ascertaining the genetic tendency), while planning a long-term treatment.
The homeopathic approach to Gout treatment is more of a totalistic approach. Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout as well as helps in preventing the recurrence of such episodes. It helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints. Homeopathy is very strongly suggested for the treatment of Gout.