Head injuries, a blow to the ear canal, sudden impact with water, blast injuries, or the insertion of pointed objects into the ear canal can lead to perforation of the TM, ossicular chain disruption, facial nerve injury, hearing loss, vertigo, and hematoma of the middle ear. Serious penetrating wounds of the TM are due to parental use of a cotton swab.
The signs are as facial paralysis, severe vertigo or subjective hearing loss after ear trauma, Middle ear trauma can lead to a perilymphatic fistula which is a breach of the inner ear that causes sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo.
The patient needs to be followed with audiometry or by an otolaryngologist until hearing has returned to normal, which is expected within 6-8 weeks. If the conductive hearing loss does not resolve, then there may be injuries to the ossicular chain.
A CT scan may be needed to evaluate the middle ear structures in this case.
Traumatic TM perforations should be referred to an otolaryngologist for examination and hearing evaluation. Spontaneous healing may occur within 6 months of the perforation. In the acute setting. antibiotic eardrops are often recommended to provide a moist environment which is thought to speed healing
Homeopathy medicine for ear are as followed – Belladonna, Hepar sulph, Chamomilla, Mercsol.