Brain abscess or cerebral abscess is an abscess caused by the infection especially caused by bacteria in the tissue of brain. Brain abscess is an inflammation and collection of homoeopathy chikitsa infected material that are entering brain from local infected areas such as ear infection, dental abscess,*homoeopathy best Homoeopathy treatment infection from paranasal sinuses,*homoeopathy infection from the mastoid cells in the temporal bone or from epidural abscess or infection coming from*homoeopathy remote Dr Rajeev's homoeopathy clinic parts of the body such as lungs, heart, kidney, homoeopathy or infection sources within the brain tissue.
SYMPTOMS: Decreased movement, Headache, Fever and chills, There are difficulties in languages, Loss of homoeopathy coordination occurs, Loss of muscle function, Especially on one side, Seizures can occur, Stiffness in Neck, Vision changes occur, Vomiting, Decreased speech.
INVESTIGATIONS: -Blood culture, Complete blood count, Chest X-ray, CT scan of brain is done to find the location of abscess, Lumbar Homoeopathy puncture is done and then CSF (cerebro spinal fluid) is cultured and type of bacteria involved in infection is found homoeopathy, EEG-Magnetic resonance imaging of the Homoeopathy brain is done, Testing of antibodies in blood.