The hallmark of CLL is accumulation of mature B cells that have escaped programmed cell death and undergone cell-cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase.
Mutations, trisomies and deletions influence risk, Pneumonia may be a triggering event.
SYMPTOMS: - Often none, presenting as a surprise finding on a routine FBC. May be anaemic or infection prone.
SIGNS: - Enlarged, rubbery, non-tender nodes. Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly.
# Autoimmune Haemolysis
# Infection due to hypogammaglobulinaemia, bacterial, viral especially herpes zoster.
Prognosis: - 1/3 never progresses, 1/3 progresses slowly and 1/3 progress actively. CD23 and beta 2 microglobulin correlate with bulk of the disease and rate of progression.
CONCLUSION: - With the help of Homoeopathic remedies this disease condition and it's further progress could be hampered. The sign and symptoms can also be controlled by Homoeopathic mode of treatment.