Dark circles under the eyes can look odd on your beautiful appearance and you may need to hide it with your makeup. But why to hide if you can remove it by simply treating it with homoeopathic medicine. A dark circles can be caused not only due to tiredness or lack of sleep but it can be caused due to natural aging process or allergies. Few other reasons could be dehydration, anaemia, sun exposure, genetics. In some cases, dark circles can indicate a need for lifestyle changes such as improvement to sleep habits and diet. You may need to stay hydrate, get extra sleep if there is iron deficiency then take iron supplements, use sunscreen cream available in homoeopathy too. Homeopathy has a very effective treatment for Dark Circles. The natural Homeopathic remedies for dark circles are completely safe with no side effects and they work to eliminate the root cause of Dark Circles. The Homeopathic medicines are recommended after looking at every individual case and taking into account any associated factor linked with Dark Circles and the symptoms.