



  • BY Dr. Rajeev's Clinic
  • 04-Jan-2023

Dentigerous cyst is a type of odontogenic cyst. These cysts are filled with fluids, and they are known to develop in the soft tissues and bones of the jaws. It is the second most common type of cysts that are known to develop from an odontogenic origin. The teeth which are not erupted properly into the oral cavity can serve as a contributing factor for the dentigerous cyst. A dentigerous cyst is also known as follicular cysts, some cysts do not have an epithelial lining. But, the dentigerous cyst has a properly lined epithelium, dentigerous cyst does not cause any pain in the majority of the patient, most of the cases of the dentigerous cyst are known to occur in the lower jaw.

These cysts can affect both genders. three types of a Dentigerous cyst.

Central variant: The cyst completely surrounds the crown, and the crown of the tooth is located in the center.

Lateral variant:  This type of cyst is located on the tooth that has mesioangular impaction. The cyst surrounds the side portion of the root surface.

Circumferential variant: This type is similar to the central variant, but it is known to extend along the root surface. A portion of the root lies embedded in the cyst.


Swelling : It can occur on one or both sides, depending on the involvement of the cyst.

Tooth displacement : The normal position of the tooth is changed due to the occurrence of the cyst.

Tooth sensitivity :  The teeth will experience sensitivity to hot and cold objects.