



  • BY Dr. Rajeev's Clinic
  • 20-Dec-2022

Epispadias is a rare urogenital birth defect characterized by a urethra that doesn't fully develop, which results in the inability to pass urine from the body properly. Both boys and girls can be born with epispadias. When homoepathy it occurs in boys, they are normally born with a short, wide penis that is curved abnormally. Rather than the urethra opening homoeopathy at the tip of the penis, it may open homoeopathy on the top of side of the penis, or it may be open all along the length of the penis.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS of epispadias in males include an abnormal opening in the urethra, a widened pubic bone, an abnormally shaped penis or abnormally curved penis (chordee), reflux nephropathy (backward flow of urine into the kidney), urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections. Cases range from mild to severe. Mild  homoepathy best medicine of epispadias cases may not require surgery, but most cases of epispadias will need to be surgically corrected. The goals of treatment are to homoepathy maximize the function and length of the penis and to homoeopathy create a more normal appearance of the penis. 

Homeopathic medicines for urethral stricture management are Clematis, Chimaphila, Cantharis, Thiosinaminum, Conium, Arnica, Cannabis Sativa,Merc Sol, Magnesia Mur and Sulph Iodatum.