Paraproteinaemia denotes presence in the circulation of Immunoglobulins produced by a single clone of plasma cells.
The Para protein is recognized as a monoclonal band on serum electrophoresis.
There are 6 major categories: -
CAUSES: - there are different conditions that can cause a Para protein with the most common being monoclonal gammopathy of unknown signifance (MGUS).
In most cases this is a non-cancerous condition but another more serious blood abnormality linked to a Para protein is myeloma.
SYMPTOMS: - Foot numbness, parasthesias, imbalance, gait atexia, dysesthesia and lancinating pain.
CONCLUSION: - Homoeopathic medicines are safe and can be taken along with the traditional medicines for the treatment of Paraproteinaemia.
The symptoms are easily tackled by Homoeopathic remedies.