



  • BY Dr. Rajeev's Clinic
  • 28-Dec-2022

It is an infection of the nail fold and occurs due to local injuries like nail bites, in growing nail, splits and splinters or spontaneously without any cause. It presents as a painful red swelling of the nail fold.

Sometimes it presents as a complication of chronic paronychia. This condition is commonly seen in housewives, washermen, bakers and other individuals whose profession involves excessive immersion of their hands in water and alkalies. It is also seen in patients having diabetes mellitus. It manifests as an asymptomatic erythematous swelling of the posterior nail fold of one or more fingers along with irregularities in the thickness of the nail plates. Sometimes it is possible to express a bead of pus from underneath the nail fold. Occasionally, the area may be tender.


When PARONYCHIA is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms. Homoeopathy has shown effective results in terms of treating paronychia.