



  • BY Dr. Rajeev's Clinic
  • 24-Dec-2022

Pica is a disorder of persistent eating of nonnutritive, nonfood material for ≥1 month when it is developmentally inappropriate (pica is not diagnosed in children < 2 years) and when it is not part of a cultural tradition).

Patients tend to eat nontoxic materials (e. g., paper, clay, dirt, hair, chalk, string, wool). For children < 2 years, this behavior is not considered developmentally inappropriate; children < 2 years frequently mouth and ingest a variety of objects.

Psychological and emotional issues, such as depression, anxiety disorders or substance use disorders are closely linked with eating disorders. People with bulimia may feel negatively about themselves. In some cases, traumatic events and environmental stress may be contributing factors.

Pica is also common during pregnancy.

Usually, pica does not cause significant medical harm, but check patients for weight loss and nutritional deficiencies and, if symptoms suggest it, for intestinal obstruction, lead poisoning, and parasitic infestation.

Pica is diagnosed when

A patient persistently eats nonnutritive, nonfood material for ≥ 1 month.

Ingestion of these materials is inappropriate for the developmental level of the patient.

Ingestion of these materials is not part of a cultural tradition.

evaluate nutritional status to check for weight loss and nutritional deficiencies

Homoeopathic Medicine: It can be managed homeopathically – CARCINOSIN, IGNATIA, NATRUM MUR, PULSATILLA.