Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a form of malnutrition due to inadequate feeding or poverty or due to lack of proper food/diet adequate in nutrients, energy and/or protein intakes. PEM is measured in terms of Wasting (weight for height is reduced), whereas Stunting (height for age is reduced), Underweight (weight for age is reduced). The main goals for management are to minimize weight loss, to maintain body mass and to encourage body mass repletion or growth. Homoeopathy offers an indivualized approach for the treatment of the various manifestations of PEM.
PEM can be represented in various form as follows:
MARASMUS: There is gross wasting of muscles and subcutaneous tissues, marked stunting but no edema. It is an adaptive response to starvation. The body utilizes all fat stores before using muscles.
KWASHIORKAR: There is lack of growth, lack of stamina, loss of muscle tissue, increased susceptibility to infections, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, flabby subcutaneous tissues and edema i.e., pitting. The edema is usually early and may mast the failure to gain weight, it is often present in internal organs before it is recognized in the face and limb.
MARASMIC KWASHIOKOR: Children with severe muscle and fat wasting, but with presence of edema. Seen in kids who have marasmus but suddenly develop edema due to increased deficiency of protein than before.
Homoeopathy advocates that when there is an imbalance in nutritional requirement and its supply, the deficient nutrients should be supplied in adequate quantity through natural food, provided the body can assimilate and absorb the same. In cases where there is deficiency of supply or the body is so weakened to absorb the natural nutrients, then it is needed to be supplied artificially.