1) Infertility is now being witnessed in 1 out of every 10 couple, where the women fail to get pregnant even after 2 yrs. of unprotected intercourse.
2) The most common cause of a woman being infertile is the failure to ovulate or defective ovulation.
3) Certain predisposing factors of infertility may include: -
4) Maximum cases of female infertility is seen because of the defect in ovulation. The eggs fail to fertilize without ovulation leading to infertility.
5) One of the most common cause of defective ovulation is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCODs) which finally can lead to infertility.
6) The person suffering from infertility cannot deny the fact that it puts a bad impact on their physical as well as mental health.
7) Infertility also affects one's relationship with their partners/families in their life.
8) A lot of negative emotions are dumped on by the respective partners which starts affecting the couple's married life.
9) The shame, embarrassment and social stigma of being infertile is the most important cause of divorces in marriage now a day.
10) Women who r unable to get pregnant are mostly subjected to sadness, anger, depression, poor quality of living livelihood etc.
11) Being infertile forces a woman to suffer a lot of psychological stress.
12) According to some research done women with infertility suffer from the same anxiety and depression as that of a patient suffering from cancer.
*Infertility even after not being a disease condition has surpassed many dangerous disease conditions. But also many infertile woman r getting pregnant having their own child by treating themselves with the most reliable mode of treatment,
Homoeopathic mode of treatment where the Homoeopathic physicians follow the norm Similibus Curentur.
There are plenty of case records all over net and social media which proves that how effective homoeopathic medicines have always been in treating cases of infertility. One can easily get rid of being infertile by intake of Homoeopathic medicines. And one should always consult their nearest homoeopathic physician to get rid of this most prevailing social issue.