Spinal cord disorders can originate from either outside or inside the spinal cord. Damage from outside the cause is caused by compression of the spinal cord or injury.
Spinal cord may be compressed due to a bone fracture, spinal degeneration, or abnormalities, such as a haematoma, tumour, or herniated disc.
CAUSES: - Fluid filled cavities, blockage of blood supply, vitamin deficiency, Autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, Syphilis etc.
Reduced sensation of touch or pins and needles.
Leaking of urine or urinary retention.
Problems with coordination, stiff muscles, overactive reflexes.
There may be weakness or paralysis of limbs, loss of sensation, changes in reflexes, loss of urinary or bowel control, uncontrolled muscle spasms, back pain etc.
COMPLICATIONS: - long term complications may include: - inability to regulate blood pressure or body temperature, increased risk of heart or lung problems, loss of bladder or bowel control, paralysis in the arms and legs, persistent pain, spasticity, joint pain, contracture, sexual dysfunction etc.
CONCLUSION: - There are many Homoeopathic remedies which can effectively manage each and every spine related disorders, prevent their recurrence.