



  • BY Dr. Rajeev's Clinic
  • 03-Jan-2023

Normally 0.75-2.5 litre of urine is exacted by the kidneys in 24 hours. Suppression of urine always has serious impli- cations.

When a patient has not passed urine in the last 24 hours, complete suppression of urine (anuria) should be distinguished from acute retention. That is, the kidneys are excreting urine, which is being collected in the bladder, but is not being voided due to some obstruction like an enlarged prostate or stricture of the urethra. Palpate and percuss for the globular mass of full bladder in the hypo- gastrium and confirm by catheterisation if necessary. If the bladder is empty, i.e. it is neither palpable nor any urine come out on catheterization, suppression of urine can be safely inferred. However, if the bladder is distended, suppression can still occur if the obstruction is not removed.


  • Acute renal failure
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Terminal stage of congestive heart failure.

Homoeopathic Treatment of Suppression of Urine includes remedies such as Belladonna, Nux vomica, Sepia Officinalis, Causticum, benzoic acid, Sabal serrulata and many more. These remedies are prescribed on the basis of individuality of the patients mental and physical symptoms. So, a remedy might be effective for one but useless to other. For consultation please contact Dr.Rajeev’s Homeopathic  clinic.