


An abscess behind the ear is a common side effect of an internal infection. This bump filled with pus may vary in size and can present an array of symptoms, dependent upon severity and cause. Most abscesses behind the ear can be treated at home over several days. A large or deeply infected abscess may require medical attention.


Abscess behind the ear, or on any part of the body, is most frequently caused by a bacterial infection either by Staphylococcus aureus or a Streptococcus bacterium.

As harmful bacteria enter the skin through a small cut or sore behind the ear, the immune system releases white blood cells to fight the infection. These cells, along with dead skin, dirt, and debris, may collect as pus.

Once this pus begins to accumulate inside the abscess, the skins surface becomes inflamed, red, and swollen, and pain may develop.

An abscess may also be linked to:

  • A reaction to an embedded object such as a splinter
  • A clogged hair follicle or sweat gland
  • A surgical incision
  • Nerve damage due to an underlying health condition such as diabetes
  • Complications due to a weak immune system
  • Mass of blood buildup outside of a blood vessel, or hematoma


  • Lump on or just underneath the skin
  • Bump filled with pus
  • Swelling
  • Open sore
  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Fever
  • Chills


Myristica :  A remedy of great antiseptic powers. Inflammation of skin, cellular tissue and periosteum. Traumatic infections. Parotitis. Fistulas. Carbuncles. Specific action in panaritium. Pain in the finger nails with swelling of the phalanges. Hands are stiff, as if from squeezing something a long time. Coppery taste and burning in throat. Tongue white and cracked. Phlegmonous inflammations. Hastens suppuration and shortens its duration. Often does away with use of the knife. Inflammation of middle ear, suppurative stage. Fistula in ano.

Belladona: Dry and hot; swollen, sensitive, Suppurative wounds red Boils indurations after inflammations.

Hepar sulph: Suppurate with prickly pain. Easily bleed. Angio-neurotic œdema. Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates

Silicea: abscesses, boils, old fistulous ulcers. Delicate, pale, waxy. Cracks at end of fingers. Painless swelling of glands. Rose-colored blotches. Scars suddenly become painful. Pus offensive. Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from tissues. Every little injury suppurates.

Lachesis:  bluish, purplish appearance. Boils, carbuncles, ulcers, with bluish, purple surroundings. Dark blisters. Bed-sores, with black edges. Blue-black swellings. Pyemia; dissecting wounds. Purpura, with intense prostration.

Arnica: Itching, burning, eruption of small pimples. Crops of small boils (Ichthyol; Silica). Ecchymosis. Bed sores (Bovinine locally). Acne indurata, characterized by symmetry in distribution.