


Actinic prurigo is a rare sunlight-induced, pruritic, papular, or nodular skin eruption. Some medical experts use the term actinic prurigo to denote a rare photodermatosis that develops in childhood and is chronic and persistent; this rare photodermatosis, associated with the human leukocyte antigen HLA-DR4, is often called "Familial polymorphous light eruption of American Indians" or "Hereditary polymorphous light eruption of American Indians" but some experts consider it to be a variant of the syndrome known as polymorphous light eruption (PMLE).   Some experts use the term actinic prurigo for Hutchinson's summer prurigo (aka hydroa aestivale) and several other photodermatoses that might, or might not, be distinct clinical entities.


AP is characterized by itchy, inflamed papules, nodules, and plaques on the skin. Lesions typically appear hours or days after exposure of the skin to UV light, and follow a general pattern of sun-exposed areas. The face, neck, arms, hands, and legs are often affected, although lesions sometimes appear on skin that is covered by clothing and thus not exposed to UV light, thus making AP somewhat difficult to diagnose.

AP is a chronic disease, and symptoms usually worsen in the spring and summer as the day lengthens and exposure to sunlight increases.


The cause for actinic prurigo is unknown, however researchers believe that protein in our bodies may be a cause to the condition also: •UV-A and UV-B light seem to be the main provoking agents. This observation is supported by the fact that most patients live at high altitudes (>1000 m above sea level), and the condition improves in many patients when they move to lower altitudes. However, some patients who are affected already live at sea level.18,19,27 •Some authors are considering a food photosensitizer or a nutritional selective deficiency as a cause; however, no evidence proves this theory.


Few homoeopathic medicine suitable in the treatment of prurigo is:

Natrum Mur: Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating itchy skin in cases of actinic prurigo. Skin worsened by exposure to the sun respond well to Natrum Mur. It is indicated in cases where there is itching, prickling, and stinging sensation, or crawling sensation. Rash or vesicles may also be present on the skin. These blisters tend to burst and discharge watery fluid.

Cadmium Sulph: Natural cure for actinic prurigo where there is skin pigmentation that arises from sun exposure. The pigmentation is most marked on the face; sometimes the skin is itchy too. Itching worsens mostly during the night, and scratching tends to relieve the itching.

Sulphur : Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is an effective remedy to treat a burning sensation on the skin in cases of actinic prurigo. The burning may be localized or spread on the skin throughout the body. The burning sensation is worse at night time in a majority of the cases. Sleep is often disturbed due to this burning sensation. The skin may be dry and rough, and swelling may be present.

Glonoine : headache following sun exposure in cases of actinic prurigo.  the headache is most prominently congestive with intense throbbing pains in the head. In some cases, the eyeballs may protrude out. Headache may be attended with nausea and is mostly felt in the temporal (sides) region and vertex (top) of the head. Sleep tends to relieve the headache. A marked heated sensation in the head is also present along with the headache.