


Heart rhythm is controlled by electrical messages. In Brugada syndrome, the messages don’t get delivered to heart’s cells properly. This is because heart's channels (like tiny pores) aren't working as they should. Heart’s cells then don't receive the right balance of chemicals (called electrolytes) that help to send electrical messages to the rest of heart and body.

This is what causes people with Brugada syndrome to have an abnormal heart rhythm. 


Many people with Brugada syndrome don’t have any symptoms. But some people experience:

  • feeling light headed or dizzy
  • fainting or blackouts
  • having fits
  • feeling breathless or shortness of breath
  • palpitations (a fluttering or pounding feeling in your chest or neck).

Symptoms often show up in adulthood, but they can start at any age.

Although you can have symptoms at any time, some triggers can be:

  • dehydration
  • drinking lots of alcohol
  • having a fever or a high temperature


There’s currently no cure for Brugada syndrome. Most people can manage their risk of developing a very fast heart rhythm with some simple lifestyle choices.

You might be advised to avoid things that could trigger a very fast heartbeat, like:

  • A high temperature – if you become unwell with a fever, you can help to lower it by taking paracetamol unless you've been told not to take it by your doctor.
  • Dehydration – if you have diarrhoea or have been sick for more than a day, you might become dehydrated and you should contact your doctor for advice. You might lose a lot of fluid and may need special rehydration drinks.
  • Drinking too much alcohol – too much alcohol can increase the risk of experiencing an irregular heart rhythm. Try to stick to the recommended weekly amount of alcohol.
  • Taking certain medicines – some medicines can trigger Brugada syndrome. Always let any medical professional you see know about your condition, so they can check prescribed medications are right for you.
  • High intensity exercise or sports – physical activity is good for your mental and physical health, but your doctor might advise you to find alternatives to some high intensity exercises. Some options are yoga or pilates. If you like getting out, riding a bike may be more suitable than running.


Brugada syndrome is a serious condition but it’s rare. Sometimes it can lead to a life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm. If it’s not treated quickly, it can lead to a cardiac arrest.

A cardiac arrest is when your heart suddenly stops pumping blood around your body. When your heart stops pumping blood, your brain is starved of oxygen. This causes you to fall unconscious and stop breathing.


Many people with Brugada syndrome can live their normal lives and do everyday activities, like:

  • driving
  • having sex
  • exercise or being physically active
  • getting pregnant and having children.

But some people can experience symptoms that can affect their daily activities. Your doctor or specialist might advise you to avoid certain things that could increase your risk of developing a dangerously fast heart rhythm.

You should speak to your healthcare team about what activities are safe for you to do. They will discuss your condition and the long-term impact on your lifestyle it might have. And they will support you if you feel worried or have questions.

You should be aware that:

  • If you need an ICD, there may be things to plan for, such as not driving for a little while after having it fitted.
  • In some cases, medication, such as beta blockers, may help prevent or reduce the occurrence of abnormal heart rhythms.
  • You should discuss over-the-counter medicines and supplements with your doctor as some of these may cause symptoms or react with medicines you may already be taking.
  • Prolonged (longer than a day) or severe episodes of vomiting or diarrhoea can affect your sodium and potassium levels. You should discuss this with your doctor who may prescribe oral rehydration supplements. These supplements can help to replenish sodium and potassium levels but should be used under medical supervision.


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When arteriolar Brugada syndrome  is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

AMYELOSUM NITROSUM -Amyelosum nitricum is effective for palpitations during menopause. In Amylenum Nitrosum, the symptoms are palpitations getting worse from even a little excitement. Constricted feeling in the heart region is an accompanying symptom. Hot flushes and extreme anxiety are the other symptoms.

ARSENIC ALBUM -- Arsenic Album is another  top natural Homeopathic medicines for treating palpitations with anxiety. There is palpitations with extreme anxiety. There is a marked restlessness and fear of death. There is an increased thirst for water and a desire for open air

AURUM MET. -Aurum Met is the best Homeopathic medicine for violent Palpitations with irregular heart action. The patients needing Aurum Met feel that the heart has stopped suddenly for a few seconds varying from 2 to 3 seconds and then suddenly starts beating again. The pulse seems irregular, with high blood pressure.

COFFEA -Coffea is the top  Homeopathic medicine for Palpitations brought on by a sudden joyful moment. It also covers palpitations as a result of sudden pleasant surprises.

CONVALLARIA MAJ. - Convallaria is the best  Homeopathic remedy for palpitation due to tobacco abuse. The patient  complains as if the heart is beating in the whole chest. The palpitations get worse by even slight exertion. The pulse is also very rapid.

CRATAEGUS OXY. —Crataegus is a good heart tonic and can be given in all type of heart ailments. It is an excellent antiarrythmic, sedative in irritable patients with cardiac symptoms. Heart weakness with oppression , stitches and insomnia. Extreme dyspnoea on least excertion. Heart dilated , first sound weak.

DIGITALIS PURPUREA -Digitalis is the most effective Homeopathic remedy when the slightest movement causes palpitations. The patient usually feels that the heart will stop its action if he or she moves and it is better at rest. Digitalis is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when cardiac rate is lowered and palpitations are mostly excited from the slightest motion. Digitalis is the best natural Homeopathic medicine to deal with Palpitations with skipped beats. The pulse is irregular and it intermits mainly at every 3rd, 5th and 7th beat. Mitral Disease may be the underlying pathology with irregular heart action in the patient needing Digitalis.

GLONOINE - Glonoine is a very effective remedy for palpitations during menopause. It is prescribed when palpitations lead to difficulty in breathing and get worse from exertion. Palpitations can be felt throughout the body.

FERRUM MET - Ferrum Met is the best medicine for palpitations due to anemia which get worse with movement. The face looks quite pale. Usually the pulse feels very soft and weak.

IBERIS - Iberis  is the best remedy  when the slightest exertion gives rise to palpitations. Along with palpitations, a person may also experience vertigo.