
Homeopathy Treatment for Deep vein thrombosis in Bokaro

When blood clots form in one or more of the deep vein in the leg. Besides leg veins that'scalled deep vein thrombosis, this condition can affect veins in the pelvis also.Uploaded Image

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism are two parts of the disease known as venous thromboembolism. DVT is a i serious condition that occurs when the blood clot that develops with deep veins, often in the leg or pelvis. If the thrombus, or clot, breaks off, that's called an embolus. Emboli can make their way to the lung, causing a PE. Clots may also form in the veins of the arm, such as in people with Paget-Schoetter disease.


Some people may develop DVT without noticing symptoms. However, if symptoms develop, they may resemble the following:

  • pain in the affected limb that begins in the calf
  • swelling in the affected limb
  • a warm feeling in the swollen, painful region of the leg
  • red or discolored skin

In most people, DVT only develops in one leg. However, on rare occasions, both legs may have DVT.

If a clot dislodges and travels to the lung, the following symptoms may indicate PE:

  • slow breathing or sudden breathlessness
  • chest pain, usually more severe while breathing deeply
  • rapid breaths
  • a faster heart rate

There are two possible complications:


PE is the most common complication of DVT and can be life threatening. It happens when a piece of a blood clot becomes dislodged and makes its way through the bloodstream into the lungs.

The clot becomes stuck and disrupts the flow of blood in one of the blood vessels in the lung. In mild PE, an individual may not be aware.

A medium sized clot may cause breathing problems and chest pain. In more severe cases, the lung might collapse. PE can lead to heart failure and can be fatal.


This is more common among people with recurrent DVT.post-thrombotic syndrome might experience the following symptoms, although they vary between individuals:

  • a persistent swelling in the calf
  • a feeling of heaviness in the leg
  • a pulling sensation in the leg
  • an excessively tired leg
  • fluid buildup in the affected leg
  • redness of the skin
  • new varicose veins
  • thickening skin around the area of the DVT
  • leg ulcers for people with severe post-thrombotic syndrome


actual cause of DVT is unnown , However, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), most people with DVT develop the condition due to one or several risk factors and underlying conditions.


If the human body is inactive for long periods, blood can build up in the lower limbs and pelvic area.

This situation is not a problem for most people. As soon as physical activity levels return to normal, blood flow speeds up. The vein and arteries redistribute blood around the body.

However, prolong inactivity means that blood in the legs may slow a person’s blood flow, increasing the risk of clots forming.

A person might be inactive for long periods due to a range of causes, including:

  • an extended hospital stay
  • being immobile at home
  • remaining seated during a long journey, such as a flight
  • a disability that restricts movement


An injury or surgery that damages veins can slow the flow of blood. This increases the risk of blood clots. General anesthetics can also widen the veins, making it more likely that blood pools and clots may form.

While this risk may affect anyone having major surgery, the NHLBI suggest that people receiving knee and hip surgery, particularly, have a high risk of developing DVT.


A person may have an inherited disorder that makes blood clots more likely, such as Factor V Leiden thrombophilia.

However, even though having this condition increases the risk, only around 10% of people with it go on to develop unusual blood clots, according to Genetics Home Reference.

PREGNANCY : As a fetus develops inside the uterus, pressure against a woman’s veins in the legs and pelvis increases. A woman has an increased risk of DVT during pregnancy until six weeks after delivering their baby. Females with some inherited blood disorders, such as hereditary antithrombin disorder, have a higher risk of DVT during pregnancy compared with other women.

CANCER : Some cancers have links to a higher risk of DVT, including late stage colon, pancreatic, and breast cancers. Cancer therapies and procedures can also increase a person’s risk of DVT, including chemotherapy, a central venous catheter, and certain cancer surgeries.

IRRITABLE BOWEL DISEASE : People with irritable bowel disease (IBD) have a higher risk of DVT. 

HEART PROBLEMS : Any condition that affects how well the heart moves blood around the body can cause problems with clots and bleeds. Conditions such as heart attacks or congestive heart failure may increase a person’s risk of developing a blood clot. Find out more about heart disease here.

HORMONE-BASED MEDICATIONS : Females who take hormone-based birth control or are on a course of hormone replacement therapy  for menopause have a higher risk of DVT than those who do not take these medications.

OBESITY : People with obesity experience more pressure on their blood vessels, especially those in the pelvis and legs.

SMOKING : People who smoke tobacco regularly are more likely to develop DVT than people who have never smoked or have stopped.

VARICOSE VEINS : Varicose veins are enlarged and misshapen veins. While they often do not cause health problems, particularly overgrown varicose veins may lead to DVT unless a person receives treatment for them.

Age : Even though DVT may develop at any age, the risk increases as a person’s age advances.

Sex : A person’s sex can affect their DVT risk.

Females are more likely than males to experience DVT around childbearing age. However, females have a lower risk after menopause than men do at the same age.


  • D-dimer test
  • Ultrasound
  • Venogram
  • Other imaging scans


  • DO Regular movement
  • Maintaining pressure on the at-risk area
  • Avoid smoking
  • Maintain weight
  • Do regular exercise


ARNICA MONTANA- This is a one of the top remedies for thrombosis, it has the power of dissolving the thrombus and make the blood thin . Veins distended and there is numbness in feet. Bruised pain in leg as if beaten.

APIS MELLIFICA- it is an another excellent remedy for DVT with stinging pain ans swelling of legs. The feet swollen and stiff , sore, sensitive with stinging pain. There is also swelling of the knee, which is shiny, sensitive, sore with stinging pain.Legs and feet waxy, pale swollen and edematous. Limbs may feel heavy , numb and immovable.

VIPERA -Vipera is excellent for DVT due to prolonged sitting. When the legs are allowed to hang down, it seems as if they would burst and the pain is unbearable. The patient is obliged to keep the limbs elevated.There is severe cramps in the lower limbs. The veins are swollen and sensitive due to severe pain.

HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA -Hemamelis is another excellent remedy for DVT with a bursting feeling in the legs. There is tired feeling in legs. Legs swollen with a tense, bursting feeling from pain. The joints also feel tense with pain.

LACHESIS 200- Lachesis is another excellent remedy for DVT with joint pain. There is cramps in the calves, especially left side with swelling in the ankles. There is a bluish swelling and pain in joints. The knee joint feel cold as if hot air is going through.