Ebola virus disease is a serious illness that originated in Africa, where a large outbreak occurred in 2014-15. In June 2016, the outbreak was officially declared over. The 2014-15 outbreak of Ebola mainly affected three countries in west Africa: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Some cases also occurred in parts of central Africa.
Around 28,000 cases and more than 11,000 deaths were reported by the World Health Organization. This was the largest known outbreak of Ebola.
There's still a small chance occasional cases of Ebola may occur in Africa as the virus is present in several countries there, but the risk for people travelling to Africa is minimal.
People who remain most at risk are those who care for infected people or handle their blood or fluid, such as hospital workers, laboratory workers and family members.

A person infected with Ebola virus will typically develop:
- a high temperature (fever)
- a headache
- joint and muscle pain
- a sore throat
- severe muscle weakness
These symptoms start suddenly between 2 and 21 days after becoming infected.
Diarrhoea, vomiting, a rash, stomach pain and reduced kidney and liver function can follow. The person may then bleed internally, and may also bleed from the ears, eyes, nose or mouth.
The Ebola virus is spread in the blood, body fluids or organs of a person or animal with the infection.
For example, it can be spread by:
- directly touching the body of someone with the infection who has symptoms or recently died – the virus can survive for several days outside the body
- cleaning up body fluids (blood, stools, urine or vomit) or touching the soiled clothing of an infected person
- handling unsterilised needles or medical equipment used in the care of the infected person
- having sex with an infected person without using a condom – studies show traces of Ebola may remain in a man's semen many months after he has recovered
- handling or eating raw or undercooked "bushmeat"
Ebola can't be caught through routine social contact, such as shaking hands, with people who don't have symptoms.
There's currently no licensed treatment or vaccine for Ebola, although potential new vaccines and drug therapies are being developed and tested.
Any area affected by an outbreak should be immediately quarantined, and people confirmed to have the infection should be treated in isolation in intensive care.
Dehydration is common, so fluids may be given directly into a vein. Blood oxygen levels and blood pressure also need to be maintained at the right level, and body organs supported while the person's body fights the infection.
Healthcare workers need to avoid contact with the bodily fluids of their infected patients by taking strict precautions, such as wearing protective equipment.
Ebola virus disease is sometimes fatal. The sooner a person is given care, the better the chance they'll survive.
The Ebola outbreak in west Africa is now over. The risk of catching the infection while travelling to previously affected countries is very small.
But if you're visiting one of these areas, it's still a good idea to follow these simple precautions to minimize your risk of picking up potentially serious infections:
- wash your hands frequently using soap and water – use alcohol hand rubs when soap isn't available
- make sure fruit and vegetables are properly washed and peeled before you eat them
- avoid physical contact with anyone who has possible symptoms of an infection
- don't handle dead animals or their raw meat
- don't eat "bushmeat"
Homeopathic Treatment FOR EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE
Ebola virus attacks on our immune system and makes it weak. Homoeopathy helps to rebuilt that weakened immune system and also acts as a prophylaxtics so as to control and stop the spread of the Epidemic.
- Crotalus horridus
Difficulty in swallowing due to spasms and constriction in the throat. Tongue can be fiery red, smooth and polished (compare with Pyrogen) and very swollen. In diarrhea the stools are black, thin and offensive. Emesis looks like coffee grounds. Dark, purple colored blood that will not coagulate, bleeding from any part of the body including the eyes, gums, nose and the sweat. Offensive discharges. Edema with purplish, mottled skin, late in the disease the person may turn yellow. Photophobia. Sepsis. Blood boils. Severe prostration, the pulse may be scarcely felt. This remedy has an affinity with the right side. Cannot lie on the right side or back without vomiting. Affinity to jaundice.
- Bothrops Lanceolatus
For retinal hemorrhage and from all orfices, pulmonary embolus, worse on right side, black vomit, cold sweat, trembling, can’t talk, photophobia sunlight, one side paralysis. Nervous trembling, difficulty articulating speech, sluggishness, swollen, puffy face and black vomiting. There is thrombosis causing neurological phenomena like strokes and bleeding from all orifices. Blindness, especially in daytime. Fever with shivering followed by very profuse cold sweat. This remedy has an affinity with the right side.
- Echis Carinatus
The remedy may prove to be an excellent match for the presentation of hemorrhagic ebola. The proving brought out a state of anxiety followed by fear of impending, especially incurable disease.
- Echinacea angustifolia
When there is a septic state developing, blood poisoning, fetid smelling discharges and enlarged lymph nodes. Profound prostration, very weak and tired. Severe headache. The brain seems too large. White coating of the tongue with red edges, bed sores. Blood follows the stool.
- Lachesis mutus
Look for delirium with trembling and confusion. The person may talk too much. Tongue dry, black and trembling. Lots of profuse hemorrhaging from any where in the body, the blood is dark and does not easily clot, great sensitivity to touch, often tight clothing cannot be tolerated especially around the neck, the person feels better for heat and worse on the left side. Disease begins on the left side then goes to the right side. Perspiration is cold and stains yellow, and it may be bloody.e.t.c