


Bartholin’s glands are the two pea sized (2 cm) glands, located in the groove between the hymen and the labia minora at 5 O’Clock and 7 O’Clock position of the vagina.

Causative Organisms: Although Gonococcus is always in mind but more commonly other pyogenic organisms such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, or Chlamydia trachomatis or mixed types (polymicrobial) are involved.

Pathology : Both the gland and the duct are involved.

The epithelium of the gland or the duct gets swollen.

The lumen of the duct may be blocked or remains open through which exudates escape out.

Fate: The infection may resolute completely or an abscess is formed. In others, the infection subsides only to recur in future. In such cases, the gland becomes fibrotic. Too often, the duct lumen heals by fibrosis with closure of the orifice → pent up secretion of the gland → formation of bartholin cyst.

Thus, the end results of acute Bartholinitis are:

(i) Complete resolution (ii)Recurrence (iii) Abscess

(iv) Cyst formation.

Clinical Features: Initially, there is local pain and discomfort even to the extent of difficulty in walking or sitting. Examination reveals tenderness and induration of the posterior half of the labia when palpated between thumb outside and the index finger inside the vagina. The duct opening looks congested and secretion comes out through the opening when the gland is pressed by fingers.

The secretion should be collected with a swab for bacteriological examination.

Recurrent Bartholinitis: Periodic painful attacks cause problems in 5–10 percent women. Excision of the gland with the duct may have to be done in the quiescent phase.



There is a great scope of managing infections of Bartholin gland. The homoeopathic medicines help in managing them in very effective manner.

Homoeopathic medicines for treating these cases are of natural origin and they're managed in safe manner.

Silicea:- Silicea is leading homeopathic medicine for Bartholin infections. It is very effective for managing sebaceous cysts, pilonidal cyst, knee cyst, and cysts in female genitals.

Hepar sulph:- It is a great remedy for managing infections with pus discharge. This pus can be offensive in nature. The pain is throbbing and splinter like.

Apis Mel:- For using this medicine pain in ovaries is there. The pain is mainly burning, stinging, type. It may also be a sharp cutting type.

Calcarea Flour:- This helps in managing the pain and also the infections.

Graphites:- Another prominent remedy for managing cases of cysts. In cases needing it scanty pus discharge may be present.

Sabina:- It is indicated for infections in Bartholin gland. The vulvas are very sensitive and painful and tearing type pains. The pains are worse during rest