


Meralgia paraesthetica is a nerve (neurological) condition that causes pain in the outer thigh. It is caused by compression of a nerve called the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.

Meralgia paraesthetica is a nerve (neurological) condition that causes an area of skin over the upper outer thigh to become painful, numb or tingly.

It is known as a nerve entrapment syndrome,it is a collection of symptoms caused by a trapped or compressed nerve.


  • direct injury to the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
  • seat belt injury from a car accident.
  • Inadvertently, during medical or surgical procedures - keyhole (laparoscopic) hernia repairs
  • Various sports and physical activities - gymnastics, baseball, soccer, bodybuilding and strenuous exercise.
  • Rarer causes -neuroma. Neuromas ,Pelvic or intra-abdominal tumours.
  • Diabetes neuropathy


  1. burning pain or numbness in the upper thigh
  2. altered sensation of that part of the thigh.
  3. tingling/pins.
  4. Symptons worse by walking and relieved by lying down.


  • MRI


Rest - meralgia paraesthetica is aggravated by standing and walking. Reduction in physical activity may be advised in severe cases. It may even be necessary to rest in bed.

Weight loss - if obesity is thought to be the cause.

Physical therapies - manipulation, massage and stretching exercises sometimes help.


Lac Defloratum : It is a well-indicated medicine for cases where numbness over the outer side of thighs is prominent. Along with this pain is present in thighs. The pain appears soon on stepping on the floor in the morning. 

Conium : Conium is another excellent medicine for managing numbness in thighs. Thigh pain of pressing, drawing nature usually attends numbness in cases needing it.

Zincum Met : drawing, stitching, tearing or sore pain in the thigh and heaviness in thigh while walking. In some cases the pain from the thigh can extend downward to the knee. This mostly happens while standing and gets better by sitting in most of the cases.

Rhus Tox : It is a very effective medicine to manage thigh pain. The main symptom to use it is pain in the outer portion of thigh that worsens while sitting and gets better by walking. The pain is usually tearing in nature. It is top listed medicine to treat cases where over activity / over exertion or injury has brought on the complaint.

Colocynth : pain may be drawing or tearing in nature. The intensity of pain is very high and standing is difficult due to pain. Walking is also painful from thigh pain. In many cases the pain can radiate from thigh to knee especially right side where it is indicated.

Guaiacum : thigh pain when attended with crawling or tingling sensation. The pains are  pressing. Tension in thighs may accompany this. These symptoms are worse when walking and are better when sitting. Another key feature is pain from the middle of the thigh extending to the knee.

Causticum : pain is worse at night time. The pain is usually described as tearing, bruised and drawing type in persons who require this medicine. With this a characteristic feature to use it is soreness of thigh upon which there is body weight, forcing him to turn over frequently. 

Arnica : thigh pain that arises when walking. They also have excessive soreness of thighs. This medicine helps to heal the injury and reduce thigh soreness and pain.

Ledum Pal : pain in the thigh is worse from standing or walking. A feeling of pressure in the thigh accompanies. Worsening of thigh pain from touch is another symptom suggestive of its use.

Gelsemium : thighs are very sore and sensitive to touch. Violent lancinating pain in thigh is present. Person can move their thigh very slightly. 

Dulcamara : thigh pain while sitting. The pain can be drawing, tearing or pinching type and he finds relief in the pain by walking.