


Seckel syndrome is rare genetic condition with slow growth before birth (intrauterine growth restriction) resulting in low birth weight. Slow growth continues after birth (postnatal), causing short height (dwarfism). Some features of Seckel syndrome are a small head (microcephaly) and intellectual disability. Possible facial features are a sloping forehead and “beak-like” nose. Other features may include large eyes, a narrow face, ears of a different shape and/or a small jaw (micrognathia). In addition, some affected infants may have curving of the pinkie finger (clinodactyly) or unusual development of the hips (hip dysplasia). They may also have dislocation of a bone in the forearm (radial dislocation) and/or other physical features.


Seckel syndrome presents with slow growth during fetal development (intrauterine growth restriction). This results in low birth weight. Slow growth (growth retardation and delayed bone maturation) continues after birth (postnatal). This can lead to short height (dwarfism) with arms and legs that are proportionate to height. (This is different than short height with small arms and legs). Moderate to severe intellectual disability may

also be present at birth, but may not be obvious until the child is older. Some individuals with Seckel syndrome have kidneys in the wrong place (ectopic kidneys).

In addition, infants with Seckel syndrome have differences of the head and face (craniofacial). Most affected infants have small heads (microcepahly) for their age, sex, and body size. Individuals can also have a forehead that slopes backward (receding) and a small jaw (micrognathia) that is farther back than usual (retrognathia). They may also have a curved, triangular “beak-like” nose. Due to these differences, the middle portion of the face may appear to stick out more. In some children, spaces between the bones of the skull (cranial sutures) may close earlier than they should (craniosynostosis). As a result, the head may look long or shortened, depending on which part of the skull is affected.

Some infants with Seckel syndrome have other features including large eyes with downward slanting eyelid folds (palpebral fissures). They may have crossed eyes (strabismus). They can also have low-set, differently shaped (dysplastic) ears without ear lobes, and/or a high-arched roof of the mouth (palate) that may be not be formed completely (cleft palate). In some patients, one side of the face may look larger than the other (facial asymmetry). Some affected infants and children may have weak tooth enamel, and differences in the number, and/or positioning of the teeth.

Children with Seckel syndrome may have skeletal changes like the lower end of the bone on the thumb side of the hand being out of place (radial dislocation). They may also have elbows or hips that pop out of place, and/or unusual development (dysplasia) of the hips. Some children are not able to fully extend their knees. They may also have cone-shaped ends of bones. Some affected children may develop front-to-back and/or side-to-side curvature of the spine (kyphoscoliosis). An additional skeletal feature may be permanent curving of the pinkie finger stuck in place (clinodactyly). Children can have a twisted position of the foot (clubfoot), flat feet (pes planus) and/or be missing a pair of ribs (11 pairs instead of 12).

Males with Seckel syndrome may have testes that do not lower properly (cryptorchidism). Affected females may have a large clitoris (clitoromegaly). In addition, affected children may have increased body hair (hirsutism). Another possible feature is a single, deep crease across the palms of the hands (single palmar crease).


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When  is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms

Few homoeopathic medicine can be thought of in the treatment of Seckel syndrome are:

medorrhinum, oleum jec., baryta carb., carcinosin, calcarea carb., etc.