


Specific Learning Disabilities is a group of disabling conditions that hampers a person’s ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. One or more of these abilities may be hampered.

Specific Learning Disability interferes with the normal learning process of the person. The term does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural or economic disadvantage.


  1.  Dyslexia: Dyslexia is the specific learning disability in reading. Children affected with dyslexia find it very difficult to read. It occurs in children with normal vision and intelligence.

      Symptoms of Dyslexia in School going Kids

  • Reading well below the expected level for age.
  • Problems remembering the sequences.
  • Difficulty in seeing similarities and differences in letters and words.
  • Difficulty in spelling words.
  • Avoiding activities that involve reading.
  1. Dysgraphia: Dysgraphia is a specific learning disability that affects written expression, for example difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting and trouble putting thoughts on paper.

Symptoms of Dysgraphia in School going Kids

  • Difficulty in writing letters
  • Trouble in spacing letters correctly on the page
  • Difficulty in writing in a straight line
  • Difficulty in:
    • Holding paper with one hand while writing with the other
    • Holding and controlling a pencil or other writing tool
    • Putting the right amount of pressure on the paper with a writing tool
    • Maintaining the right arm position and posture for writing
  1. Dyscalculia: Dyscalculia is a specific learn disability that causes difficulty in learning arithmetic, understanding numbers and doing mathematical calculations. About 3 to 6% of population is affected with some degree of dyscalculia.
  • Difficulty reading analog clocks
  • Difficulty in finding which of two numbers is larger
  • Issues in sequencing things
  • Difficulty with multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division tables, mental arithmetic, etc.
  • Problems with differentiating between left and right
  • Difficulty with time, directions, recalling schedules, sequences of events, keeping track of time, frequently late or early
  • Inability to concentrate on mentally intensive tasks
  1. Dyspraxia: Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD), also known as dyspraxia, is a condition affecting physical co-ordination. It causes a child to perform less well than expected in daily activities for their age, and appear to move clumsily.
  2. Developmental Aphasia: Aphasia is an impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write. Aphasia is always due to injury to the brain-most commonly from a stroke, particularly in older individuals.


Learning disabilities can vary from one child to another. For instance, one child may be struggling with spelling and reading, while another loves to read but won’t understand simple math equations. Sometimes children may have difficulty communicating and understanding what another person is trying to say. To identify the learning difficulties of students, you have to understand that the problems are very different.

Since there is a wide variety of learning disorders in children, there is no single symptom or profile that you can look at as the cause of the problem. But, there are some warning signs which are common and appear at different ages. You must know what these signs are so that you can catch the disability in the early stages and receive learning disability treatment and intervention.

Listed below is a checklist of common red flags that come with learning disorders in children. You have to remember that children who don’t have learning disorders can still face difficulties while learning. You should be concerned when your child is consistently uneven in mastering specific skills.


  • Having trouble pronouncing words
  • Trouble finding the right word
  • Difficulty rhyming
  • Finding it challenging to follow directions or learning routines
  • Having difficulty controlling crayons and pencils


  • Unable to blend syllables to make coherent sounds
  • Slow to learn new skills
  • Trouble grasping basic math concepts
  • Finding it difficult to tell time and remember a certain sequence
  • Persistent difficulties in reading, writing, arithmetic or mathematical reasoning
  • Inaccurate and slow reading and difficulty with spelling
  • Problems with grammar, punctuation or organization while writing
  • Difficulty in remembering number facts

Having a learning disability is a lifelong challenge. But, with appropriate support, learning disability treatment and intervention, one can achieve success in school, at work, in relationships, as well as in society. 



Special teaching techniques: This includes helping a child learn through various multisensory experiences. It’s done by providing immediate feedback, which increases and strengthens the child’s ability to recognize words.

Classroom modifications: In this treatment, the teacher can provide students extra time to finish tasks and provide recorded tests. This will allow children to listen to questions, instead of having to read them.

Using technology: Children who have reading impairment will benefit from audiobooks or they can use word processing programs with spell check features

If your child has a reading impairment, then you can seek a rehabilitation center in Bangalore for an effective treatment.


Special tool: here teachers can offer oral tests or allow the student to videotape the reports

Using technology: Children can use word processing programs, instead of writing by hand. A rehab in Bangalore will teach your child to use technology to overcome written expression impairment

Bangalore rehabilitation center also suggest providing study sheets that help kids overcome the need for writing

For kids who are impaired in mathematics, experts at Bangalore rehabilitation center suggests the following treatments:

Visual techniques- teachers can draw pictures of word problems and show the child how to differentiate between problems.

Using memory aids- Music and rhyme help the child memorize and retain the math concepts

Using computers- A child can use computers for practice and math drills.

For children with reading difficulties –

  • Special teaching techniques can be used that may include multisensory experiences to help a child learn.
  • Some modifications can be done within the classroom, such as giving extra time to complete the tasks or providing recorded tests to enable the child to hear the questions.
  • Children with reading impairment can benefit from listening to audiobooks or using word-processing programs.

For children with writing disabilities –

  • Students can be allowed to offer oral exams.
  • A child can be allowed to use an audio recorder in class instead of taking notes on paper.
  • The teacher may also provide printed study notes to reduce the need for writing.

For impairment in mathematics –

  • Visual techniques can be adopted to draw pictures of word problems or using coloured pencils to mark different parts of problems.
  • Learning math concepts can be easier with rhymes and music.
  • Computers may be used as well for math drills and practice.


Food plays an important role in development of human beings. Following food may be of help-

  • Omega-3 fatty acids- Deficiency in proper intake of omega- 3 fatty acids may lead to speech development delay in children. It can also affect speech quality. Include fish like salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, soybeans, tofu etc for ample supply of omega -3 fatty acids.
  • Vitamin D- It is important for brain development in foetus. Hence during pregnancy consume more of fish, eggs, liver etc. Expose to early morning sunshine.
  • Folic Acid- Foods rich in folic acid or Vitamin B9 helps in prevention of nerve defects. Include leafy dark green vegetables and food fortified with folic acids like breads, wheat flour in your diet.
  • Vitamin E- This acts as antioxidants and kills free radicals which can damage our nerves resulting in speech problems. Include more fruits, vegetables, nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc in diet.
  • Include food containing zinc, phosphorus, magnesiumin diet for better overall development of child. Include dairy foods, fish, rice, nuts, chocolates, spinach, tomatoes, ginger, cumin, cloves, eggs, beans, peas, yogurt etc.
  • Avoid foods that cause allergies to you since allergic reactions are an important cause of hearing loss which can simultaneously contribute to speech disorders.
  • Avoid food preservatives, canned foods, additives in artificial foods, glutamates, excess coffee and alcohol.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol during pregnancy


Few of the homoeopathic listed below are helpful to prevent blindness or to treat specific learning  disability  with favourable result, if taken according to the totality of symptoms. They are:

Syphillinum: arithmetical calculation difficult.

Cicuta virosa: When reading, the letters seem to turn, go up or down or disappear.

Silicea: Mental labor very difficult; reading and writing fatigue, cannot bear to think.                                                                                   

Baryta carb.: deficient memory, child cannot be taught, becausehe cannot remember. Difficult comprehension. Weak memory.

Hellebores: difficulty while reading, unable to understand words. Can’t comprehend.