


Mitral valve prolapse is a type of heart valve disease that affects the valve between the left heart chambers. The flaps (leaflets) of the mitral valve are floppy. They bulge backward (prolapse) like a parachute into the heart's left upper chamber as the heart squeezes (contracts).

Mitral Valve Prolapse sometimes causes blood to leak backward across the valve, a condition called mitral valve regurgitation.

Usually, Mitral Valve Prolapse isn't life-threatening and doesn't require treatment or lifestyle changes. But some people may need medications or surgery, especially if the prolapse causes severe regurgitation.


To understand the causes of mitral valve disease, it may be helpful to know how the heart works.

The mitral valve is one of four valves in the heart that keep blood flowing in the right direction. Each valve has flaps (leaflets) that open and close once during each heartbeat. If a valve doesn't open or close properly, blood flow through the heart to the body can be reduced.

In mitral valve prolapse, one or both of the mitral valve leaflets have extra tissue or stretch more than usual. The leaflets can bulge backward (prolapse) like a parachute into the left upper heart chamber (left atrium) each time the heart contracts to pump blood.

The bulging may keep the valve from closing tightly. If blood leaks backward through the valve, the condition is called mitral valve regurgitation.


Signs and symptoms of mitral valve prolapse are due to the amount of blood leaking backward through the valve.

Mitral valve prolapse symptoms can vary widely from one person to another. Many people with mitral valve prolapse don't have noticeable symptoms. Other people may have mild symptoms that develop gradually.

Symptoms of mitral valve prolapse may include:

  • A racing or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, especially during exercise or when lying flat
  • Fatigue


Mitral valve prolapse can develop in any person at any age. Serious symptoms of mitral valve prolapse tend to occur most often in men older than 50.

Mitral valve prolapse can occur in families (be inherited) and may be linked to several other conditions, including:

  • Ebstein anomaly
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  • Graves' disease
  • Marfan syndrome
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Scoliosis


Potential complications of mitral valve prolapse may include:

  • Mitral valve regurgitation. The mitral valve flaps don't close tightly. Blood flows backward when the valve is closed, making it harder for the heart to work properly. Being male or having high blood pressure increases the risk of mitral valve regurgitation.
  • Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias). Irregular heartbeats may occur if mitral valve prolapse leads to severe regurgitation and swelling of the upper left heart chamber (atrium).


Homeopathic medicines are the medicines which are given to the people by using drugs in a smaller quantity. Homeopathic medicines are considered as safe and also effective remedy for treating any disease. These homeopathic remedies don't cause any side effects as they are made from the products obtained naturally. These medicines help in treating the diseases from their roots and also they provide effective results. Many homeopathic medicines are there which help in preventing heart valvular disease.

The various homeopathic medicines to treat valvular heart disease are as follows:

ADONIS VERNALIS: Adonis Vernalis is a homeopathic medicine used for the treatment of valvular heart disease. These medicines help in regulating the pulse and also helps in controlling the rate of the heart. These medicines give the best result in the cases when any valvular heart disease is caused due to the chronic aortitis, aortic regurgitation which causes the traumatic rupture of the valve or rheumatic endocarditis. You should take this medicine only after consulting the doctor.

SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA: Spigelia anthelmia is another homeopathic medicine used to treat heart valvular disease. During heart valvular disease, the valve of the heart becomes damaged. This medicine is given in a situation when there are the symptoms of heart valve disease such as irregular pulse, weakness, palpitations etc. along with the headache. These medications help in preventing the heart valvular disease and also helps in proper functioning of the valves. These medicines can be given to the person if they are having the symptoms of valvular heart disease.

KALMIA: Kalmia is another homeopathic medicine used for curing heart valvular disease. These medicines help in controlling the rate of the heart. These medicines help in the treatment of valvular disease when it is caused due to rheumatic fever that leads to the problem in the opening and closing of the valves. When there is a difficulty in opening and closing of the valves then it can lead to the problem in the flow of blood to the heart and also from the heart, causing valvular heart disease. These medicines are also considered as safe because they are made using herbs.

AURUM METALLICUM: Aurum Metallicum is another homeopathic medicine used for curing the valvular heart disease.  Valvular Heart Disease is a type of disorder of the heart in which the valve of the heart does not function properly. Aurum Metallicum is given in a situation when valvular heart disease is caused due to the palpitations, rheumatic fever, pericarditis, chest pain etc. These medicines do not have any side effects and are also considered as effective for curing heart valvular disease.