

A skin pigmentation disorder is a health condition that affects the color of the skin. The pigment melanin gives skin its color. It is made by specialized skin cells called melanocytes. When melanocytes become damaged or unable to produce adequate melanin, skin color can be affected. A lack of pigment can affect one small area of the body or the entire body, depending on the cause and progression of the disorder. Skin pigmentation disorders can be caused by any number of health issues. Some specific diseases that cause skin discoloration include melasma, albinism, and vitiligo. Uploaded Image


Albinism : It is a genetic disorder caused by defects in genes that provide instructions for melanin production. Several genetic defects makes the body unable to produce or distribute melanin.

The main symptom of albinism is a lack of color in the hair, skin, or eyes. These symptoms can affect the entire body or just small patches of skin. In some cases, a person with albinism will have some color in their hair, skin, and eyes, but it will be lighter than normal.

Melasma :It is a common skin pigmentation disorder. It is also referred to as chloasma or the mask of pregnancy, and it usually affects women. Melasma is more likely to occur in people with darker skin tones.

The main symptoms of melasma are brown or gray patches of skin discoloration on the face. Areas of the body that are often exposed to the sun can also be affected. The patches tend to be symmetrical on both sides of the face or body, and are darker than the natural skin tone.

Vitiligo : It is a chronic skin pigmentation disorder. Roughly 1 to 2% of the world’s population has vitiligo, and cases are equally spread out over all racial groups. Although there are no detrimental health effects, vitiligo has been shown to cause psychological distress in those who have the condition.

The main symptom of vitiligo is a complete loss of pigment in the skin, which results in patches of white. It can occur on any area of the body and can affect small or large patches of skin.


LYCOPODIUM : Useful for pigmentation disorder with grayish-yellow discolored face with blue circles around the eyes. Also useful for brown spots on the nose and face.

SEPIA : Useful for pigmentation disorder mainly for chloasma with yellow spots on the face.There is yellowish  mark across the upper region of the nose and cheeks.Useful for pigmentation disorder during pregnancy.Mostly recommended for patients who have dark hair.

THUJA : Useful for pigmentation disorder where there is dry skin with uneven brown spots.Suited to those people who have waxy face with dark under eyes.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM : Useful for pigmentation disorder when face looks pale, old, and bluish. Most suitable for those people who have tense, hard and brown skin with irregular brown blotches

CADMIUM SULPH: Useful for pigmentation disorder with yellow stains on the cheeks and nose which get worsen due to prolonged exposure to the wind and sun.

COPAIVA : Useful for pigmentation disorder with brown lenticular spots.Given when spots give a mottled appearance and can itch at times.

CAULOPHYLLUM : Useful for  pigmentation disorder in women who experience discoloration of the skin due to uterine and menstrual disorder.

PLUMBUM MET : Useful for pigmentation disorder mostly liver spots.There is yellowish patches on skin.Also useful for hyperpigmentation.Helpful to reduces oil content of the face.

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