
Homeopathy Treatment for Suppression of urine or anura or oliguria in Bokaro

Patient complains that he has not passed urine for sometime, but there is no evidence of a distended bladder. Catheterization does not produce any result. The condition is SUPPRESSION OF URINE, or ANURIA, or OLIGURIA.

Suppression may be due to an obstruction in both the ureters, the kidneys being healthy; a tumour at the base of the bladder; or malformation Uploaded Imageof the ureters. Urine may not be passed for days and there may be no symptoms. There may be vomiting in some cases. Death may result suddenly.

Suppression may also be a result of severe renal failure due to any acute or chronic causes like- acute nephritis, subacute nephritis, chronic pyelonphritis and a febrile state including heat stroke. Here there is highly vomiting, diarrhoea and sweating.


Lots of different things can cause oliguria. Many of them go away on their own, but some need medical treatment.

Dehydration: This is the most common cause of oliguria. It happens most often when you've been vomiting or had diarrhea.

Burns and other serious injuries: Burns can dehydrate you and make you pee less. Other kinds of trauma that can cause oliguria include blood loss (hemorrhage), anaphylactic shock from a bad allergy, and septic shock after an infection or surgery.

Obstruction: To get from your kidneys to your urethra -- the tube that takes pee out of your body -- urine has to pass through a maze of “plumbing” called your urinary tract. A blockage anywhere in this area can cause oliguria or even anuria, which is when you don’t pee at all. Many different things can block your urinary tract, like scar tissue from surgery, kidney stones, or a tumor.

Medicines: Certain drugs can make you pee less, including:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), like aspirin and ibuprofen
  • Certain antibiotics
  • Some chemotherapy drugs
  • ACE inhibitors to control blood pressure
  • Medications used to treat overactive bladder
  • Contrast liquids, sometimes used when doctors take an X-ray or another image of your body

Kidney disease: Oliguria can cause kidney failure, but more often it’s a symptom that your kidneys aren’t working the way they should.


The primary symptom of oliguria is producing less urine than normal. Individuals might experience other symptoms as well, depending on the cause of the decrease.

The primary signs and symptoms of oliguria are;

  • Urinating less frequently and/or producing a smaller amount than usual. 
  • Urine is a darker color than normal (generally a deeper yellow color such as amber). If there is red or dark red blood in urine, this is a different type of issue called hematuria.


Kalium chloricum is indicated when inflammation of the kidneys causes suppression. Urine is albuminous, scanty and suppressed, has high phosphoric acid content with low total solids , sometimes there is haematuria.

Opium is indicated when there is loss of power of sensibility of bladder; paralytic atony of the bladder after laparotomy. Retained involuntary urination after fright.

 Helliborus niger, the suppression is due to nephritis- there is inflammation of the kidneys and the urine gets suppressed . urine is scanty and dark coloured with coffee ground sediment. Bladder is over distended and paralysed during pregnancy with frequent urge to pass urine and much pain; after great pressure there is only a scanty discharge.

Solidago virgaurea is the homoeopathic replacement for a catheter. Dysuria with pain in the kidneys, kidneys are sensitive to pressure. Useful in chronic nephritis. Pain and tenderness in the kidney region. Urine is dark  red and brown, thick and voided with difficulty.

Stramonium suits suppression of urine, especially during typhoid. The bladder is empty. Loss of power in the bladder of the aged. Flow or urinary stream is slow. Rigor during urination.

