It is an autoimmune disease. Where the adrenal is being attacked by the immune cell, causing insufficiency in production of cortisol and aldosterone hormone.
Primary adrenocortical insufficiency ( Cortisol and aldosterone deficiency) is most commonly due to autoimmune destruction of the adrenal cortex.
Secondary adrenal insufficiency (not considered Addison’s disease) is due to inadequate ACTH stimulation of the adrenal cortex due to hypopituitarism or suppression of pituitary ACTH by excess steroid admistration.
Same symptoms as in Addison’s disease except no pigmentation changes and no hhyperkalemia.
USG AND CT Scan: for visualizing the gland enlargement, calcification, solid or hemorrhage.
Rapid adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) this test confirms the adrenal hypo-function.