- It means an antibiotic induced swelling. (Oma) = Tumour(swelling).
- When an abscess occurs in the breast and antibiotics are given, without draining the abscess, the abscess cavity may become fibrous and it results in firm to hard lump in the breast. It gives rise to vague ill health of the patient.
- This hard lump can be confused for malignancy.
- It i treated by excision.
It is collection of pus behind the pectoralis major.
Common causes:
- Hematoma with secondary infection.
- Tuberculosis of ribs with cold abscess.
- Cold abscess arising from lymph node.
- Empyema necessities: Empyema of lung, if left untreated, tracks out and the pus collects in the subcutaneous plane posteriorly and retromammary region anteriorly, thereby forming retromammary abscess. There may be a tense, tender and cystic lump palpable which can be confused with breast abscess.
- Chest X-ray to rule out pulmonary tuberculosis.
- It is treated by draining the abscess by means of submammary (Galliard-Thomas) incision.
- It is common in no lactating women.
- It communicates with lactiferous duct resulting in mammary fistula.
- In chronic cases, retraction of the nipple can occur which is partial or slit-like.
- It can also be due to an infected sebaceous cyst.
- Incidence is 1 to 4% in India
- Poor socioeconomic conditions. -Presents as a lump, which can be hard and mimiccarcinoma
- More common in the reproductive age group mainly it lactating women.
- Clinical features may include multiple tender abscesses sinuses and matted nodes in the axilla (need not always bi present).
- Involvement of nipple and areola is very rare.
- It is almost secondary to a pulmonary lesion-retrograde lymphatic spread via paratracheal and internal mammary lymph nodes.
- Few types: Nodular, sclerosing, disseminated type, TBmastitis obliterans and miliary fonn.
- FNAC, biopsy will help in the diagnosis - caseating granuloma with Langhan type of giant cells.
Homoeopathy today is a growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, physical levels.
Belladonna: - useful in initial stage. There is throbbing pain, redness, and streaks radiate from the nipples. Breasts feel heavy, are hard, red and swollen. Pain worse on lying down. Inflammation after weaning.
Bellis perennis: - Pain in breast after injury. Breast lump after injury. Breasts feel sore.
Bryonia alba: - Breasts hot, painful, and hard. Stony hard breasts. Sharp stitching pain in breast, worse from motion and better from rest. Must support the breast with hands.
Croton tig:- Breasts inflamed. Pain from nipples to back when the child nurses. Breast hard and swollen. Nipples very sore to touch.
Phytolacca decandra:- Breasts feel heavy, stony, hard swollen or tender and of purple hue. Nipples, sensitive, sore, and fissured when child nurses, pain goes from Nipple all over body. Cracks and small ulcers about nipples. Shooting or stinging pain in the breast.