Dyspepsia also known as indigestion, refers to discomfort or pain that occurs in the upper abdomen, often after eating or drinking. It is not a disease but a symptom. Dyspepsia is a common problem, affecting up to 30% of the population.
Common causes of indigestion include:
Sometimes indigestion is caused by other digestive conditions, including:
Carbo vegetabilis- Usefulfor the patient wakes up in the morning with a headache and diarrhea accompanied by great straining. There are erucations, worse on lying down, fullness of abdomen and burning in the stomach.
Lycopodium calvatum - Usefull for immediate distress symptoms.There is accumulation of flatulence in the lower abdomen
China officinalis - Usefull for persons of thin, dry, bilious constitution. There is much flatulent colic, better bending double, Tympanic abdomen. Better motion.There is craving for dainty and sour and sweet thing and highly seasoned foods.
Antimonium crudum - Usefull for children as well as adult presenting with a coated white tongue.There is a tendency to grow fat, has disordered digestion with heartburn, nausea and vomiting.Useful for eructation which taste of ingesta. There is Constant belching and bloating after eating. Pork disagrees.
Kalium bichromicum - Usefull for fair, fleshy and fat person who are generally overweight.There is desires of beer and acids he is aggravated by them cannot digest meat and dislike water. Patient has a tendency to over eat and drink.Given when gastric symptoms are relieved after eating rheumatic symptoms start.There is Feeling that digestion has stopped with a sensation as if food is lying as a load in the stomach.
Abies nigra - Usefull for dyspeptic troubles of elderly people with functional heart trouble or dyspeptic problems usually occurring after tobacco and tea.There is pain in the stomach always comes on after eating. Useful for Constipation after eating with Sensation as if a hard boiled egg had lodged itself at the cardiac end of the stomach.
ABHI HOMEO HALL is a one and half decade old renowned clinic that offers the best quality, non-toxic and highly effective treatment in Ranchi, Patna and Delhi.
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