Esophagitis is any inflammation or irritation of the esophagus.When left untreated patient complains of recurring attacks of burning pains beneath the lower part of the sternum,food appears to stick there on swallowing. There is distension in the left hypochonddrium and occasionally there is vomiting of blood and loss of weight. Then this condition may be that of CHRONIC ESOPHAGITIS.
ARSENIC ALUM : Very useful medicine for chronic oesophagitis with pain which feel like burning coals of fire and are associated with diarrhea. There is undigested, slimy and bloody stool. Mostly recommended when excting cause are sudden chilling of the stomach with ice water or ice cream, alcoholic drinks in excess, bad meats, decayed sausages, rancid fat, over rips fruit
PHOSPHORUS : Useful medicine for chronic oesophagitis with pain in stomach which get better by cold drinks. There is regurgitation of food.Recommended for vomiting as soon as water gets warm in the stomach. There is sharp cutting pain in abdomen with empty and all gone sensation
ARGENTUM NITRICUM : Useful for chronic oesophagitis with history of pain developing immediately after taking food and increase for about an hour followed by vomiting and then relief. There is strong desire for cold, ice cold sweetened drinks and sweets like ice cream.
CARBO VEG : Useful for chronic oesophagitis when there is definite epigastric pains and burning, that comes on something after partaking the food. The patient also develops colicky attacks.There is great discomfort and distension of the stomach with waterbrash immediately after eating cold, icecream and ice cream
LYCOPODIUM : Useful for chronic oesophagitis with complains of sour stomach, waterbrash, acute acidity and fissuring attacks of hiccups which aggravate during late afternoon.