Vulvitis is not a disease, but refers to the inflammation of the soft folds of skin on the outside of the female genitalia, the vulva. The irritation can be caused by infection, allergic reaction, or injury. The skin of the vulva is especially susceptible to irritation due to its moistness and warmth.
Vulvitis can be caused by many factors or irritants, including:
The symptoms of vulvitis can include:
Apis mel
Useful for waxy skin which looks pale and oedematus .There is stinging pain with soreness and inflamation with redness in vulvar region.
Useful for acute inflamation of vulva region.
Useful for recurrent soft tissue infection.Very useful for infection in sebaceous cyst which results in vulvitis, the skin around vulva is cracked, feels like leather.
ABHI HOMEO HALL is a one and half decade old renowned clinic that offers the best quality, non-toxic and highly effective treatment in Ranchi, Patna and Delhi.
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