Bladder stones are solid calculi that are primarily found in the urinary bladder. The incidence of bladder stones in Western countries is relatively low as they tend to be found more often in developing countries due primarily to dietary factors.
BENZOIC ACID - Repulsive odor; changeable color; brown, acid. Enuresis; dribbling, offensive urine of old men. Excess of uric acid. Vesical catarrh from suppressed gonorrhśa. Cystitis. uric acid diathesis, with urine highly colored and very offensive.
BERBERIS - Stitching, crampy pains; thick mucus, and bright-red, mealy sediment, Tongue thickly coated, yellowish-brown.
CANTHARIS - Intolerable urging and tenesmus, Violent paroxysms of cutting and burning in whole renal region, with painful urging to urinate; bloody urine, by drops. Intolerable tenesmus; cutting before, during, and after urine.
LYCO- Pain in back before urinating; ceases after flow; slow in coming, must strain. Retention. Polyuria during the night. Heavy red sediment.
SARSAPIRILLA - Gravel. Renal colic. Severe pain at conclusion of urination. Urine dribbles while sitting. Bladder distended and tender.