Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
The skin is an important organ and it is essential that it be kept in good condition. If it is not properly cared for the various secretions and epitheial cell tend to accumulate and clog the pores . dirt sticks to the surface and adds to the trouble. Cleanliness is essential to prevent skin disease.
Good health it includes the quality of water and other drinks, food and nutrition, clothing, working conditions and physical strain as such, sleep, cleanliness of the body, bad habits like tobacco, alcohol and other drug abuse, and mental health.
Risk factors :
-Serious medical conditions that can develop on behalf of poor hygiene include
Gastroenteritis , food poisonig, Hepatitis A, Influenza
Common cold, Giardiasis, Roundworm, Threadworm, Ring worm, S.T.D's e.t.c
Basic good habits to maintain health :