


Vocal cord paralysis involves one or both vocal cords (vocal folds) not moving as they should. Your vocal cords are two bands of muscle inside your voice box (larynx) located atop your windpipe (trachea). They open when you breathe so air can pass through. They close when you swallow to prevent food and drink from slipping into your windpipe. When you speak or sing, your vocal cords touch. Your lungs send air through them, causing them to vibrate and make sounds.

With vocal cord paralysis, nerve damage prevents the muscles inside your vocal cords from opening and closing properly. As a result, you may have trouble speaking, swallowing or even breathing — all functions that depend on your vocal cords moving.


Vocal cord paralysis can affect one vocal cord (unilateral) or both vocal cords (bilateral):

Unilateral vocal cord paralysis: Only one vocal cord is paralyzed. When one vocal cord isn’t moving as it should, you may have trouble speaking or (in more serious cases) swallowing. Breathing problems don’t usually happen when only one vocal cord is paralyzed.

Bilateral vocal cord paralysis: Both vocal cords are paralyzed. When both cords are paralyzed, they usually end up very close together, causing a dangerously narrow airway. You may have trouble breathing, which may be life-threatening without treatment.


Unilateral vocal cord paralysis is much more common than bilateral vocal cord paralysis. It’s rare for both vocal cords to become paralyzed. Still, both types can affect anyone of any age.


Unilateral vocal cord paralysis ranges in severity from mild to severe. For instance, mild cases may make speaking difficult. In more severe cases, you may experience shortness of breath when speaking. You may cough or choke when eating or drinking.

With bilateral vocal cord paralysis, your vocal cords may get too close together, making it difficult to breathe. Your swallowing can also be affected. Food or drink can slip into your windpipe and lungs, causing aspiration pneumonia.


Sleep talking is defined by both stages and severity:

Stages 1 and 2: In these stages, the sleep talker isn’t in as deep of sleep as stages 3 and 4, and their speech is easier to understand. A sleep talker in stages 1 or 2 can have entire conversations that make sense.

Stages 3 and 4: The sleep talker is in a deeper sleep, and their speech is usually harder to understand. It may sound like moaning or gibberish.

Sleep talk severity is determined by how frequently it occurs:

Mildly: Sleep talk happens less than once a month.

Moderately: Sleep talk occurs once a week, but not every night. The talking doesn’t interfere much with the sleep of other people in the room.

Severely: Sleep talking happens every night and may interfere with the sleep of other people in the room.


The medicines that can be thought of use are: -

  • Argentum met
  • Arum triphyllum
  • Phosphorus
  • Drosera
  • Belladonna