Low vision is a vision problem that makes it hard to do everyday activities.
Vision is the special sense by which the qualities of an object constituting its appearance are perceived through a process in which light rays entering the eye are transformed by the retina into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve.
Visual acuity of 6/18 down to and including 3/60 in the better eye’. A person with low vision is ‘someone who, after medical, surgical and/or optical intervention, has a corrected visual acuity in the better eye of <6/18 down to and including light perception or a central visual field of <20 degrees, but who uses or has the potential to use vision for the planning and/or execution of a task.’
Thus, Low vision is a reduced level of vision that cannot be fully corrected with conventional glasses.
Low vision can change a child’s life. It not only affects their ability to see, but also their education and cognitive development. It can be caused conditions, such as:
Few therapies which can help in this age are as followed:
Low Vision in Adults
low vision develops in adults aged 18-50 years, it can be very devastating. It can be difficult for them to keep their jobs.
Common Causes of Low Vision in Adults:
Low Vision in the Elderly
It is diagnosed by clinical examination,
Eye examination by snellens chart
Computer eye exam
Myopia- short sightedness is an error of refraction in which parallel rays of light from infinity come to focus in front of the retina, when accommodation is at rest.
Homeopathy is useful in initial stage it delays the progression of disease.
Homoeopathic remedies are effective for treating low vision not only treating but also for the prevention.Homoeopathic treatment prevent further progression of the disease.
PHYSOSTIGMA - Pysostigma is prescribed for nearsightedness which is progressing rapidly, accompanied by pain in the orbits. The person experiences photophobia along with blurred vision. Spasm of the ciliary muscle, irritability of the eyes and dim vision are present in Pysostigma.
RUTA GRAVEOLENS -Ruta is effective for myopia with severe headache. Heacahe occurs while reading, sewing and performing other near-sighted activities. Weakness of the ciliary muscles and blurred vision are also present.
AGARICUS MUSCARIUS-Agaricus is another effective medicine for Myopia. The person experiences difficulty in reading , as type seems to move or to swim. Double vision with flickering before the eyes.
VIOLA ODORATA- Viola Odorata is another medicine for Myopia, where it is accompanied by severe pain in the eyes. The person complains of severe pain in the eyes which radiates to the top of the head.
OLEUM ANIMALE-Oleum Animale is one of the effective Homeopathic medicines for myopia where the symptoms include blurred vision with smarting in the eyes. The person often sees glistening bodies before his eyes and complains of dim vision. Nearsightedness accompanied by twitching of the eyelids is another prescribing symptom
LILIUM TIGRINUM-Lilium tig is best for Myopia , there is myopic astigma. There is impaired vision , pain extending back . Hyperesthesia of the retina. Lilium tig is useful in restoring the power of weak ciliary muscles.
PHOSPHORUS-Phosphorus is another effective Homeopathic medicines for myopia. Fatigue of the eyes and head even when the eyes are not being overused is a key symptom for prescription of Phosphorus. It is prescribed for myopia with weak eyesight and an aversion to light.