Mental fatigue or burnout, mental exhaustion arises from prolonged stress — whether it comes from our work, relationships, life events, or all of those.
Prolonged mental stress can causes a depressive,exhaustive feeling mentally and it can lead to few unrelated symptoms as stated-
few rules you should follow to tap out of your mental exhaustion.
Few homoeopathic remedies are as followed.
Neurasthenia from mental over-exertion or loss of body fluids. Weakness of brain, tired brain, irritability, gets excited at least thing. This remedy will calm and strengthen the nerves.
Nervous exhaustion, caused by overwork. Pressing headache, also at night causing insomnia. Poor memory. Vertigo with weak vision. Weak sight exhaustion of optic nerve. Deafness or noises in ears from nervous exhaustion. Weakness of extremities, bladder and sexual organs.
Weakness of memory, confusion of thought, sadness and depression, despairs of salivation. Tearing, aching pains in extremities, worse during repose and at night. Hepatic derangement. Weak digestion. Flatulent abdomen. Patient prefer hot drinks and food. Craving for sweets. Restless sleep.
Neurasthenia from continued grief, over-exertion of the mind, sexual excesses or any nervous strain on the body or mind. Indifference, apathy, and torpidity of body and mind. Burning in the spine and limbs and the patient is inclined to be drowsiness and listless. This remedy is well adapted to young rapidly growing people, especially in cases of depression and spermatorrhoea.
Brain fag, especially of business men who become depressed and wearied from slight fatigue. Mental inactivity, with desire to be down and rest. Slight exertion brings on exhaustion and headache. Even the slightest mental exertion causes heavy feelings and sensation of heat. Sexual irritability. In the morning there is a tired aching in the lumbar region, the legs are heavy and weak with soreness of the muscles and joints.
Consequences of exhausting diseases. Neurasthenia with hyperaesthesia. Stiffness and tension of neck. Tearing pains. Burning between shoulder-blades, along whole spine, worse sitting, tearing, trembling and lameness in limbs. Twisting and frequent jerks in limbs. Great weakness, especially of lumbar region and bend of knees.
Brain fag of business men who become haggard, pale and sleepless and suffer from depression and worry. Darting pains from forehead backward to occiput.