hypersecretion of mucus is an inherent part of the defence of the airways with the amount of mucus secretion varying with a range of stimuli, including bacteria, particles and chemical irritants.
Hypersecretion occurs in many disease states, but is a major clinical and pathological feature in cystic fibrosis (CF) related bronchiectasis, nonCF bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.
In these disorders there is an expansion of the goblet cell population derived from the airways epithelium. Indeed, this response can be seen as an epithelial cell adaptation to injury, which constitutes a limb of the local host defences.
ALL CEPA- Tickling in larynx. Sensation as if larynx is split or torn. Oppressed breathing from pressure in middle of chest. ; better in open air
DULCAMARA- Cough worse cold, wet weather, with free expectoration, tickling in larynx , excessive secretion of mucus. Winter coughs, dry, teasing. Asthma with dyspnœa. Loose, rattling cough; worse wet weather. Must cough a long time to expel phlegm.
HYDRASTIS- Bronchial catarrh, later stages. Bronchitis in old, exhausted persons, with thick, yellow, tenacious expectoration. Frequent fainty spells, with cold sweat all over. Feels suffocating when lying on left side.
KALI BICHROMIUM- hacking cough. Profuse, yellow expectoration, very glutinous and sticky, coming out in long, stringy, and very tenacious mass. Tickling in larynx. Catarrhal laryngitis cough has a brassy sound. True membranous croup, extending to larynx and nares