


Stings by bees, wasps, and hornets are common throughout the United States. Some ants also sting.

  • Stings by bees, wasps, hornets, and ants usually cause pain, redness, swelling, and itching.
  • Allergic reactions are uncommon but may be serious.
  • Stingers should be removed, and a cream or ointment can help relieve symptoms.

The average person can safely tolerate 10 stings for each pound of body weight. This means that the average adult could withstand more than 1,000 stings, whereas 500 stings could kill a child. However, in a person who is allergic to such stings, one sting can cause death due to an anaphylactic reaction (a life-threatening allergic reaction in which blood pressure falls and the airway closes).

In the world, 3 or 4 times more people die from bee stings than from snakebites. A more aggressive type of honeybee, called the Africanized honeybee (killer bee), has reached the southern and some southwestern states from South America. By attacking their victim in swarms, these bees cause a more severe reaction than do other bees.


  • Bee, wasp, and hornet stings cause immediate pain and a red, swollen, sometimes itchy area about ½ inch (about 1 centimeter) across. In some people, the area swells to a diameter of 2 inches (5 centimeters) or more over the next 2 or 3 days. This swelling is sometimes mistaken for infection, which is unusual after bee stings. Allergic reactions may cause rash, itching all over, wheezing, trouble breathing, and shock.
  • The fire ant sting usually causes immediate pain and a red, swollen area, which disappears within 45 minutes. A blister then forms, rupturing in 2 to 3 days, and the area often becomes infected. In some cases, a red, swollen, itchy patch develops instead of a blister. Isolated nerves may become inflamed, and seizures may occur in people who have had a very large number of stings.


  • Removal of stinger
  • Skin treatments and drugs by mouth to reduce pain and swelling
  • Sometimes desensitization to prevent allergic reactions.
  • A bee may leave its stinger in the skin. The stinger should be removed as quickly as possible by scraping with a thin dull edge (for example, the edge of a credit card or a thin table knife).
  • An ice cube wrapped in plastic and a thin cloth and placed over the sting reduces the pain.


Formica rufa: Stings from fire ants can be an awful experience. There is blistering and the affected area appears reddish. The sting results in an excruciating stinging pain. There is uncontrollable itching at the affected site. However, the sting does not result in much swelling. Formica Rufa is an effective homeopathic medicine to treat such stings.

Apis mellifica: Sometimes, insect bites or stings result in immediate swelling and inflammation at the site of the sting. The unbearable stinging pain is followed by itching. There is a burning sensation and the affected area appears red and hot. In extreme cases, there is considerable swelling of the throat and the mouth (the mucous membrane swells). Apis Mellifica is a powerful medicine providing immense relief. Since the sting site feels hot, a cold compression can be a good option.

Staphysagria: Do not lose sleep over mosquitoes and mosquito bites. Staphysagria is an excellent homeopathic option to deal with mosquito bites. The medicine serves dual purpose. It can be effectively used before (Prophylactic) as well as after the bite. Caladium Seguinum can also be used to treat mosquito and fly bites.

Ledum Pal This medicine is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre having the common name wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This is another useful medicine for bee stings and also for wasp sting, yellow jacket sting, stings from other insects and mosquito bites. It helps to ease the pain and reduce the redness of skin.