Tingling feeling in your genital area, you may be concerned about nerve damage, disruption of blood flow to the genitals, or sexual performance.
Numbness in the genital or pelvic area can be described multiple ways — such as a loss of sensation, “pins and needles,” or “tingling.”
Changes in sensation and numbness of the genital area are often the result of damage, compression or inflammation to nerves that branch from a collection of peripheral nerve roots that exit from the bottom of the spinal cord. This collection of nerves is known as the cauda equina. The cauda equina and its nerve roots are vital in providing innervation to the lower body that includes sensation, movement, and function of the lower body’s major organs including the organs of the reproductive system.
Few homoeopathic medicines are as followed:
PLATINA - localized numbness and coldness, Numb and weary sensation. Feel paralyzed.
SECALE – suitable in cases of anæmic condition, coldness, numbness are present,tingling sensation at the tip of penis.
HYPERICUM- Hypericum is an effective remedy for nerve pain with tingling, burning and numbness.
PARIS QUADRIFOLIA- it is also an effective remedy .