Our kidneys are responsible for filtering excess fluids and waste products from our blood. This waste is then eliminated in our urine. Chronic kidney failure refers to the loss of kidney function over months or years. In advanced stages, dangerous levels of wastes and fluids back up in our body. This condition is also called chronic kidney disease.
In the early stages of chronic kidney failure,there may or may not have symptoms. Many of the early signs of kidney failure can be confused with other illnesses and conditions. This makes diagnosis difficult.
Early symptoms include:
If the damage to our kidneys gets worse, one will eventually notice symptoms. However, this may not happen until a lot of damage is already done.
Later-stage symptoms include:
Other causes include:
If one have high blood pressure, diabetes, or another condition that puts at higher risk of kidney failure, our doctor will likely monitor our kidney function. Be sure to have regular checkups and report any unusual symptoms.
Physical Exam
Blood and Urine Tests
Imaging Tests
Benzoic Acid : Useful for Kidney pains, which penetrate the chest on taking a deep breath.There is sore pain in back with burning in left kidney and drawing pain when stooping.Useful fo repulsive odour urine containing mucus and pus.
Berberis Vulgaris : There is soreness lumbar region and Kidneys.Person is unable to bear pressure.There is burning,stitches in loins and kidneys.There is bubbling sensation, and pains that radiate from a point.Very useful for “Pain in back"
Cantharis : Useful for chronic kidney failure in state of inflammation and irritation.There is discharge of bloody urine burns like fire.Useful when dull, pressing or paroxysmal cutting and burning pains in both kidneys.There is frequentu Painful evacuation, by drops, of bloody urine, or pure blood.
Terebinth : Useful for chronic kidney failure with pressure in kidneys when sitting which is relieved by motion.Useful for renal diseasze produce dropsy.There is profuse, light yellow: contains sugar: foams, scanty, exceedingly dark.
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