

Pyelonephritis is a type of urinary tract infection where one or both kidneys become infected. They can be infected by bacteria or a virus. It can cause people to feel very sick and it requires treatment.

Uploaded ImageThis condition was known as pyelitis, but it is now believed that the kidney substance so also always involved in the presence of infection of the renal pelvis. In addition to pus cells, epithelial cells from the renal mucosa and often red blood cells are found. The number of the casts and the amount of albumen in slight. However, there is an increase in the frequency of micturition.

Whatever the pathological picture, the expressions of the patients does not alter very much. The drugs having action upon the kidneys and bladder will be considered for pyelonephritis.

Calcus pyelitis is due to irritation and obstruction set up by the presence of calculi. In such cases, there must be history of calculi and renel colic. There is pain on the diseased side and the quantity of pus varies from day to day.intermittent pyrexia may be present.

In tuberculous pyelonephritis there may be primary or secondary tuberculos disease of the kidney or elsewhere in the body. Increased frequency of micturition and perhaps strangury is the earliest symptom. Tuberculous bacillus may be demonstrated in the deposits of the 24 hour specimen by culture.


In all forms of pyelonephritis, fluid diet, warm drinks, bed rest and warmth are a must. Fluid intake should be about 4-6 pints daily. Bowels should be regulated by aperients.


Homeopathic medicine depend upon the totality of symptoms and cause of the disease.To get similimum medicine proper cse history is required.

some common homeopathic medicine used in this condition are

Apis mellifica, Berberis vulgaris, Benzoicum acidum, Cantharis vesicatoria, RL-49