


Premature Menopause: If the menopause occurs at or below the age of 40, it is said to be premature. Often, there is familial diathesis.

Delayed Menopause: If the menopause fails to occur even beyond 55 years, it is called delayed menopause.

The common causes are constitutional, uterine fibroids, diabetes mellitus and estrogenic tumor of the ovary. The cases should not be neglected. In the absence of palpable pelvic pathology, diagnostic curettage should be done and an early decision of hysterectomy should be taken in the face of increased incidence of endometrial carcinoma.

Artificial Menopause: Permanent cessation of ovarian function done by artificial means, e.g. surgical removal of ovaries or by radiation is called artificial menopause.

Surgical Menopause: Menstruating women who have bilateral oophorectomy, experience menopausal symptoms. It is sometimes more troublesome than natural menopause.

Radiation Menopause: The ovarian function may be suppressed by external gamma radiation in women below the age of 40. The castration is not permanent.

The menstruation may resume after 2 years and even conception is possible. Intracavity introduction of radium can cause castration effect by destroying the endometrium and also by depressing the ovarian function. The menopausal symptoms are not so intense as found in surgical menopause or menopause following external radiation.


Homeopathy can be very effective in the management of symptoms of Menopause and perimenopause.

Homeopathy is a truly holistic medicine. If a woman consults a homeopath with Menopausal problems say hot flushes only, the homeopath will still look at the person as a whole, and not just prescribe a remedy for the hot flushes. This is called a constitutional remedy.

The commonly used medicines are:-

  • Lachesis
  • Sepia
  • Sulphuric acid
  • Folliculinum
  • Calcarea carb
  • Pulsatilla etc