


MICROBIOLOGY: - Campylobacters are motile, curved gram-negative rods that are a common bacterial cause of gastroenteritis in the United States. Most cases are caused by C. jejuni.

EPIDEMIOLOGY: - Campylobacters are common commensals in the GI tract of many food animals and household pets. In the United States, ingestion of contaminated poultry accounts for 30–70% of cases. Transmission to humans occurs via contact with or ingestion of raw or undercooked food products or direct contact with infected animals.


An incubation period of 2–4 days (range, 1–7 days) is followed by a prodrome of fever, headache, myalgia, and/or malaise. Within the next 12–48 h, diarrhea (with stools containing blood, mucus, and leukocytes), cramping abdominal pain, and fever develop.

  • Most cases are self-limited, but illness persists for >1 week in 10–20% of patients and may be confused with inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Species other than C. jejuni (e.g., C. fetus) can cause a similar illness or prolonged relapsing systemic disease without a primary focus in immunocompromised pts.

– The course may be fulminant, with bacterial seeding of many organs, particularly vascular sites.

– Fetal death can result from infection in a pregnant patient.

  • Three patterns of extraintestinal infection have been noted:

(1) transient bacteremia in a normal host with enteritis (benign course, no specific treatment needed);

(2) sustained bacteremia or focal infection in a normal host with enteritis (benign course, no specific treatment needed) and

(3) sustained bacteremia or focal infection in a compromised host.


  • Complications include reactive arthritis (particularly in persons with the HLA-B27 phenotype) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (in which campylobacters are associated with 20–40% of cases).

DIAGNOSIS: - The diagnosis is confirmed by cultures of stool, blood, or other specimens on special media and/or with selective techniques.


The medicines that can be thought of use are: -

  • Camphor
  • Veratrum album
  • Cuprum met
  • Merc iod Flavus
  • Hepar sulph