
Homeopathy Treatment for Clostridium Difficile in Jamshedpur

Clostridium difficile, also known as C. difficile or C. diff, is a bacterium that can infect the bowel and cause diarrhoea.

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The infection most commonly affects people who have recently been treated with antibiotics, but can spread easily to others.

  1. difficile infections are unpleasant and can sometimes cause serious bowel problems, but they can usually be treated with another course of antibiotics.


Symptoms of a C. difficile infection usually develop when you're taking antibiotics, or when you've finished taking them within the last few weeks.

The most common symptoms are:

  • watery diarrhoea, which can be bloody
  • painful tummy cramps
  • feeling sick
  • signs of dehydration, such as a dry mouthheadachesand peeing less often than normal
  • a high temperature (fever) of above 38C (100.4F)
  • loss of appetite and weight loss

In some cases, serious complications can develop, such as damage to the bowel or severe dehydration, which may cause drowsiness, confusion, a rapid heart rate and fainting.


  1. difficile mostly affects people who:
  • have been treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (antibiotics that work against several types of bacteria) or several different antibiotics at the same time, or those taking long-term antibiotics
  • have had to stay in a healthcare setting, such as a hospital or care home, for a long time
  • are over 65 years old
  • have certain underlying conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cancer or kidney disease
  • have a weakened immune system, which can be because of a condition such as diabetesor a side effect of a treatment such as chemotherapy or steroid medication
  • are taking a medication called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) to reduce the amount of stomach acid they produce
  • have had surgery on their digestive system

Many C. difficile infections used to occur in places where many people take antibiotics and are in close contact with each other, such as hospitals and care homes.

However, strict infection control measures have helped to reduce this risk, and an increasing number of C. difficile infections now occur outside these settings.


MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS Merc cor is one of the excellent remedies for C. diff infection where blood and mucus are passed along with stool.There is a constant urge to pass stool but only little stool passes. The stool is hot, bloody , offensive , with cutting pain accompany the passage of stool. After passing the stool , the urge reappears and the patient gets no satisfaction. Much tenesmus , which is not relieved by stool. The abdomen is bloated and painful to least touch. The patient feels a bruised sensation in the cecal region and the transverse colon is painful.Also sometimes there is an incessant, green bilious vomiting.

ARSENICUM ALBUM Arsenic alb is another effective medicine for C. diff infection where the stool is offensive, mixed with blood.The stool is scanty, offensive, dark with much prostration. It is worse at night and after eating drinking, from chilling stomach, alcohol abuse and spoiled meat. There is much tenesmus, burning pain and pressure in rectum and anus.There is gnawing , burning pain in abdomen like coals of fire, relieved by heat.Abdomen swollen and painful.There is a thirst for small amount of water at frequent intervals.Mentally the patient expresses great anxiety and restlessness.

PHOSPHORUS Phosphorus is best for C. diff infection where the stool is offensive which contain blood and greenish mucus, worse in the morning. The patient prefer cold drinks, ice creams, and juicy things.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM Argentum nitricum is prescribed for C. diff with gastric ailments with lot of belching. Lot of distension of abdomen with great desire for sweets, cheese and salty foods. Much prone to diarrhea. Noisy , flatulent diarrhea with much offensiveness of stool.Colicky pain in abdomen.Urging for stools immediately after eating or drinking .Argentum nitricum patients are very nervous and impulsive in nature.

ALOEO SOCOTRINA Aloes is best for with constant bearing down in rectum.Bleeding per rectum may occur , rectum feels sore and hot, and is relieved by cold water. Lot of mucus and wind is expelled with stools and the pain remains in the rectum after passing stools.

BAPTISIA TIN Q Baptisia is indicated where fever with loose stool is seen. There is fetid stools with toxemia. Stools very offensive , thin, dark and bloody. There is fullness and distension of abdomen. Abdominal muscles sore on pressure .

COLOCYNTHIS Colocynthis is indicated when cutting pains and cramping occur , making the person bend double or need to lie down and press on the abdomen.Pain is likely to be worse just before the diarrhea passes, and after eating fruits or drinking water.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM  Lycopodium is prescribed where weakness of digestion occurs. Immediately after a meal the abdomen feels distended and bloated. There is a constant sensation of fermentation in the abdomen.There is much tightness and pressure in the abdomen. Lycopodium patients prefers sweets and hot food and drinks.
