


Is a chronic condition that affects the function and health of the Meibomian glands, which are located along the eyelid margins? These glands produce an oily substance called Meibum, which helps to lubricate the eyes and maintain a stable tear film. When the Meibomian glands become dysfunctional, it can lead to a range of issues related to tear film instability and ocular surface health.


  1. Obstructive MGD: This is the most common type of MGD and occurs when the openings of the Meibomian glands become blocked or narrowed. The blockage can be caused by thickened Meibum, debris, or inflammation. When the glands are obstructed, the Meibum cannot flow freely, leading to a decrease in its quantity and quality.
  2. Non-obstructive MGD: This type of MGD is characterized by Meibomian gland dysfunction without significant gland blockage. It may be associated with other factors such as changes in the composition of Meibum, glandular atrophy, or reduced glandular secretion.


  • Dry eyes
  • Discomfort
  • Foreign body sensation
  • Burning
  • Redness of eyes
  • Excessive tear
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye fatigue
  • Potential damage to the ocular surface.
  • MGD is often associated with other ocular conditions such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or corneal disorders.


  • Typically involves a comprehensive eye examination
  • Including evaluation of the eyelid margins
  • Tear film assessment
  • Meibography (imaging of the Meibomian glands)
  • Tear osmolarity measurement.

Management of MGD:

Aims to improve Meibomian gland function, stabilize the tear film, and alleviate associated symptoms.

  1. Warm compresses
  2. Lid hygiene
  3. Meibomian gland expression


  • Pulsatilla: This remedy may be helpful for individuals with MGD who experience burning, itching, and a sensation of sand or grittiness in the eyes. Symptoms may be worse in warm rooms and better in open air. There is intolerance to fatty food and thirstlessness. Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges. Itching and burning in eyes. Profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus. Lids inflamed, agglutinated. Styes. Veins of fundus oculi greatly enlarged. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Subacute conjunctivitis, with dyspepsia; worse, in warm room.
  • STAPHYSAGRIA: This remedy is often indicated for MGD with symptoms of dryness, burning, and itching in the eyes. There may be a sensation of something in the eye and a tendency to develop styes. Heat in eyeballs, dims spectacles. Recurrent styes. Chalazae. Eyes sunken, with blue rings. Margin of lids itch. Affections of angles of eye, particularly the inner. Lacerated or incised wounds of cornea. Bursting pain in eyeballs of syphilitic iritis.
  • GRAPHITES This remedy may be recommended for individuals with MGD who have thick, sticky discharge from the eyes and a tendency to develop eczema or dry, cracked skin. Ophthalmia, with intolerance of artificial light. Eyelids red and swollen. Blepharitis. Dryness of the lids. Eczema of lids; fissured.
  • EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS This remedy is often used for eye conditions with symptoms such as burning, watering, and sensitivity to light. It may be considered when there is an accompanying discharge that is acrid or watery. Catarrhalconjunctivitis; discharge of acrid matter. The eyes water all the time. Acrid lachrymation; bland coryza. Discharge thick and excoriating. Burning and swelling of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink. Free discharge of acrid matter. Sticky mucus on cornea; must wink to remove it. Pressure in eyes. Little blisters on cornea. Opacities. Rheumatic iritis. Ptosis