

A prolactinoma is a benign (noncancerous) tumor of the pituitary gland that produces a hormone called prolactin. Located at the base of the brain, the pituitary is a pea-sized gland that controls the production of many hormones.

Prolactin signals a woman’s breasts to produce milk during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Having too much prolactin in the blood, a condition called hyperprolactinemia, can cause infertility NIH external link and other problems. In most cases, prolactinomas and related health problems can be successfully treated with medicines.


Most pituitary tumors develop on their own. The cause of these tumors is unknown. In some cases, genetic factors may play a role. For example, the inherited disorder multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 increases the risk for prolactinomas.

Prolactin levels normally rise during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They may also rise slightly at other times because of1

  • physical stress, such as a painful blood draw
  • exercise
  • a meal
  • sexual intercourse
  • nipple stimulation
  • injury to the chest area
  • epileptic seizures

These increases in prolactin are usually small and temporary. Other than a prolactinoma, the factors that most often lead to excess prolactin in the blood are medicines, illnesses, and other pituitary tumors.


Among women, common symptoms of having a prolactinoma include

  • changes in menstruation NIH external link, such as irregular periods or no periods
  • infertility
  • milky discharge from the breasts, also called galactorrhea
  • loss of interest in sex
  • pain or discomfort during sex due to vaginal drynessNIH external link

Among men, common symptoms include

  • loss of interest in sex associated with low levels of testosteroneNIH external link
  • erectile dysfunction

Women often report symptoms earlier than men because they may notice changes in their periods or milky discharge from their breasts when they are not pregnant or breastfeeding. But women who are taking sex hormones—in birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy NIH external link—may not experience these changes.2 The same is true for women who have reached menopause NIH external link and no longer have periods. Among these women, and among men, a lack of clear signs and symptoms may lead to a delayed diagnosis.


Having a prolactinoma can lead to different symptoms and problems among women and men. Some of these are caused by having too much prolactin in the body, while others are linked to the size and location of the tumor.

Excess prolactin, or hyperprolactinemia, can lower levels of sex hormones in both women and men. Related complications can include

  • infertility
  • bone loss (osteoporosis)

Prolactinomas are usually small, less than 1 centimeter in diameter. These small tumors are called “microprolactinomas.” Less commonly, a tumor may grow to more than 1 centimeter in diameter. These larger tumors are called “macroprolactinomas.” Macroprolactinomas may press against nearby parts of the pituitary gland and the brain. Complications can include

  • vision problems, caused when the tumor presses on the optic nerves or optic chiasm, the part of the brain where the two optic nerves cross over each other
  • headaches
  • low levels of other pituitary hormones, such as thyroid hormones and cortisol


Homoeopathic medicines carry a great scope to manage complaints that arise from high prolactin levels in males and females. These medicines focus to treat the root cause behind high prolactin levels to bring recovery in its complaint and also the prolactin levels in normal range. These medicines being of natural origin are perfectly safe to use, and have no side effects. These medicines can help both females and males having high prolactin levels.

For Irregular Periods and Amenorrhoea

Sepia: It is a very effective medicine for cases of irregular periods. Symptoms to use this medicine are late periods, sometimes appearing at a gap of three to four months. They are also scanty. Before periods, pain in the abdomen and back may appear. During periods there may be chilliness and sometimes fainting. Sometimes there appears vaginal discharge (leucorrhea) in place of menses. A peculiar symptom that may be present is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis as if the womb would force itself out of vagina.

Pulsatilla: This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as Wind Flower. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is very beneficial for irregular periods and absence of periods. The menses are late and scanty where it is required. The menstrual flow also lasts for too short a time. The menstrual blood may be of a dark or blackish colour. During menses there may appear pain in abdomen and back, sometimes nausea and vomiting, headache and vision dimness. 

For Infertility

Cases of infertility can also be treated with homeopathic medicines. Among various medicines used in homeopathy to treat infertility the top grade medicines are Sepia, Natrum Mur, Borax, Conium and Calcarea Carb. The best suited medicine among them is selected after thorough case analysis. 

When Non Pregnant/Nursing Women have Milk Production (Galactorrhea)

Asafoetida: It is prepared from gum resin obtained by incision of the living root of plant Narthex Asafoetida. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. It is well-indicated when there is milk production in non-pregnant females. With this the breast is congested, distended and swollen. 

Cyclamen: This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as sow-bread. This plant belongs to the family Primulaceae. It is useful for non-pregnant females who have discharge of milk from their breasts. Swelling in breasts and a hard, tensed sensation with pain may appear.  Stitches may be felt in the breast. Mostly there is breast swelling with milk secretion after menses.

Pulsatilla: It is helpful when there is milk discharge from the breasts of girls before puberty. The breast gets fuller with production of milk which is thin white. The breasts are swollen with this. There is a pressing sensation and tension in the breast.

For Low Libido 

Sepia: It is a top listed medicine when there is decrease desire for sex in females. There is irritability even on thoughts of sex. The vagina feels dry and there may be pain during intercourse.

 Lyssin: It is indicated when there is dislike for sexual intercourse following childbirth. Females needing it also have sensitive vaginas and complain of painful intercourse.

Onosmodium: Onosmodium is prepared from plant Onosmodium virginianum having the common name False Gromwell. This plant belongs to the family Boraginaceae. Its use is considered when sexual desire is completely lost in females.

For Dry Vagina and Painful Intercourse

Sepia: It is an excellent medicine for females who have a dry vagina and pain during intercourse. The sexual parts are also tender to touch, there is exhaustion after intercourse, and in some cases, bleeding. Sexual desire also tends to be low. 

Natrum Mur: It is also a prominent medicine for complaints of vaginal dryness and painful intercourse in females. With this burning and smarting sensation in vagina may also be present. The vagina is sore.  

For Breast Pain / Tenderness

Conium: Its use is mainly recommended when there is pain in the breast before and during periods. The pain worsens from least to jar and on walking. Stitches are felt in the breast. The breast feels swollen and sore.

Lac Can: It is indicated when there is pain in the breast with soreness and sensitivity to least pressure. A dull, constant, aching pain is felt in the breast and also engorgement of breasts may also occur. 

For Hot Flashes

Sepia: It gives wonderful results in cases of hot flashes. Females needing this experience sweating with hot flashes, weakness. There is also a tendency to faint.

Lachesis: It is also highly useful in the cases of hot flashes. There is marked heat on the top of the head. With this there may be palpitations, headaches and fainting spells. 

Amylenum Nitrosum: It is considered when there are heat flashes in females which are followed by drenching sweats. Anxiety and palpitations are marked with this.

For Acne (Pimples)

Hepar Sulph: It is best suited for acne that has pus in it. The acne is painful where it is required. The pain is like prickling pain. The acne may also bleed easily.

Kali Bromatum: It is given in cases of acne that appear on face, shoulders and chest. The acne is itchy in these cases. They also leave scars on the skin. The acne gets worse before menses begin.

For Excessive Body and Facial Hair 

To manage this complaint the top listed medicines in homeopathy are Sepia, Oleum Jac and Thuja.


For Low Libido 

Agnus Castus:This medicine is prepared from ripe berries of the plant The Chaste Tree belonging to the family Verbenaceae. It is well-indicated when males have decreased or almost complete absence of sexual desire. With this they may also have weak or no erections.

Nuphar Luteum: It is prepared from the fresh root of plant Yellow Pond Lily of family Nymphaeaceae.  It is very useful for males in whom sexual desire is completely absent.

Yohimbinum: This medicine is prepared from the bark of the Yumbe Hoa tree of the family Rubiaceae. It is another prominent medicine that act as a great aphrodisiac to boost sex drive in males and treat sexual weakness.

For Erectile Dysfunction

Agnus Castus: It is very effective when there are no erections and loss of sexual desire. The penis remains relaxed, flaccid and cold.

Caladium: It is prepared from the plant Caladium seguinum also called Arum Seguinum. This plant belongs to family Araceae. It is used when sexual desire is present but there are no erections. The penis remains relaxed despite sexual desire.

Lycopodium: This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly called Club Moss of family Lycopodiaceae. Its use is considered when the erections are weak and not perfect. There is also the complaint of premature ejaculation in males.

For Low Sperm Count

To help such cases, the top grade medicines are X-ray, Radium Bromatum and Agnus Castus