


It is, also known as a floating kidney and renal ptosis, is a condition in which the kidney descends more than 2 vertebral bodies (or >5 cm) during a position change from supine to upright.

It is also known as floating/wandering kidney or ren mobilis, refers to the descent of the kidney more than 5 cm or two vertebral bodies when the patient moves from a supine to upright position during IVU.


  • It may be present in up to 20% of young, slim females and is mostly asymptomatic It is more often seen on the right side, in up to 20%, is bilateral.
  • flank pain on standing that is relieved on lying down.
  • intermittent nausea, vomiting, hypotension, oliguria and proteinuria, a syndrome known as Dietl's crisis.
  • feeling of ‘a ball rolling’ inside of her.
  • an abdominal mass when standing upright
  • a weighing feeling in the abdomen
  • hematuria (blood in the urine)
  • proteinuria (excessive protein in the urine)


  • Intravenous urography
  • renal scintigraphy
  • Color Doppler ultrasound
  • renal resistive index (RI)

MANAGEMENT: Nephroptosis is now treated with a surgical procedure known as laparoscopic nephropexy. It’s important to carefully consider the risks of having surgery. In this procedure, the floating kidney is secured in its correct position.

Laparoscopic nephropexy is a minimally invasive modern treatment.

HOMOEOPATHIC MANAGEMENT:  It needs to be treated by constitutional homoeopathic medicines.