


  • Venomous snakes like pit vipers (rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths) and coral snakes.
  • Severe envenomation can cause damage to the bitten extremity, bleeding, and vital organ damage.
  • Venom antidote is given for serious bites.

Bites from nonpoisonous snakes rarely cause any serious problems. The venomous snakes include pit vipers (rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths) and coral snakes. Animals that inject harmful toxins by biting or stinging are called venomous, while the term poisonous refers to exposure to toxins by eating the animal.

In about 25% of all pit viper bites, venom is not injected. Most deaths occur in children, older people, and people who are untreated or treated too late or inappropriately. Rattlesnakes account for about 70% of venomous snakebites in the United States and for almost all of the deaths. Copperheads and, to a lesser extent, cottonmouths account for most other venomous snakebites. Coral snakebites and bites from imported snakes are much less common.

The venom of rattlesnakes and other pit vipers damages tissue around the bite. Venom may cause changes in blood cells, prevent blood from clotting, and damage blood vessels, causing them to leak. These changes can lead to internal bleeding and to heart, respiratory, and kidney failure.


Venomous snakes fall into two categories: elapids, which include cobras and mambas, and vipers, such as puff adders. Elapids have short fangs and tend to “chew” their venom into their victim.

The poison affects the nervous system and kills by paralysing the respiratory system.

Vipers have long, hinged hypodermic needle-like fangs that penetrate the flesh, delivering venom deep into the tissue. This causes enormous damage to blood vessels and loss of tissue.

Localised bleeding and tissue necrosis can occur even in animals which make a full recovery. In some cases, persistent lameness may occur.

However, many snake bites in livestock are thought to be “dry bites”, where no venom is injected. A snake can determine the size of an animal and its venom is a valuable resource it doesn’t waste indiscriminately.

Therefore a dry bite is delivered as a warning. It’s also important to remember that not all snakes are venomous. Unless you can positively identify the snake, assume that it has delivered a dry bite if no symptoms materialise.

Unfortunately, every year thousands of harmless snakes are killed, when, in fact, they are one of the best rodent predators a farmer could wish for.


The symptoms of snake venom poisoning vary widely, depending on the following:

  • The size and species of snake
  • The amount and toxicity of the venom injected (related to the size and species of snake)
  • The bite’s location (the farther away from the head and trunk, the less dangerous)
  • The person’s age (very old and very young people are at higher risk)
  • The person’s underlying medical problems


Before calling the vet, try and determine if the animal has actually been bitten by a venomous snake. Although it may be difficult to locate the bite due to the hair on the animal’s body, bleeding or swelling are good signs to look out for.

A bite from a venomous snake will leave two quite distinctive puncture wounds, which will bleed profusely in the case of a puff adder bite.

A bite from a non-venomous snake will probably leave no teeth marks, unless it was from a large python. Teeth marks result in multiple puncture wounds and copious bleeding.


Homoeopathic remedies can be important adjunct or even curative intervention in the treatment of a snake bite victim. This should be attempted only getting while getting as quickly as possible to the nearest emergency medical facility. Following are some medicines to consider for snake bites.

GOLONDRINA- A specific remedy for antidoting snake poison. Its use also renders the body immune to the influence of the snake venom , and thus as a prophylactic. Mother tincture is applied externally.

LEUCAS ASPERA - Another specific remdy for snake bite. In case of snake bites mother tincture is to be applied both externally and internally. 10-15 drops per dose , every 15-20 minutes interval , until the patient feels better.

LACHESIS -Lachesis is another effective remedy and it is indicated for individuals who has prostration, restlessness, painful bruising and possibly bleeding. Another leading symptom is that the person cannot bear anything tight around them, like tight necklines or waistbands. The person may be very talkative.

LEDUM PAL.- When it comes to snake bites, nothing can be more helpful than Ledum. The area affected by the bite turns slightly bluish. The area feels cold and there is a pricking pain and inflammation. Sepsis from animal bite can also be prevented by Ledum.