


Testicular tumours are uncommon, with a prevalence of 5 cases per 100000 populations. Occurs in men age of 20 to 40 years.

They often secrete a-fetoprotein and B-human chorionic gonadotrophin, which are useful biochemical makers for both diagnosis and prognosis.

Seminoma and teratoma account for 85% of all tumours of the testis. Leydig cell tumours are less common.


Seminoma: arising from seminiferous tubules and represent a relatively low grade malignancy. Metastases can occur through lymphatic spread, however, and typically involve the lungs.

Teratomas: arise from primitive germinal cells and tend to occur at a younger age than seminomas. They may contain cartilage, bone, muscle, fat and variety of other tissue, and are classified according to the degree of differentiation.

  1. Well differentiated tumours are least aggressive
  2. Trophoblastic teratoma is highly malignant.
  3. Leydig cell tumours are usually small and benign but secrete oestrogens, leading to presentation of gynecomastia.


  • Painless testicular lump. But sometime there may be aching pain.
  • All suspicious scrotal lumps should be imaged by ultrasound.
  • Serum levels of AFP and b hCG are elevated in extensive disease.
  • Oestradiol may elevated, suppressing LH , FSH and testosterone.
  • Accurate staging is based on CT of lungs, liver and retroperitoneal area.


CONIUM MACULATUM:  This is one the top remedy in testicular tumors symptoms like; axillary glands pain, with numb feeling down arm. Indurations after contusions. Glands enlarged and indurated, also mesenteric. Flying stitches through the glands. Tumors, piercing pains; worse, at night. Chronic ulcers with fetid discharge.

GRAPHITES: about the graphites in testicular tumor it is for the  patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive and take cold easily. Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. Swollen genitals.  Indurations of tissue. Sexual debility, with increased desire; aversion to coition; too early or no ejaculation; herpetic eruption on organs.

BROMIUM: Tendency to infiltrate glands, become hard, but seldom suppurate. Swelling of testicles. Indurated, with pains worse slight jar. Sense of suffocation; excoriating discharges, profuse sweats and great weakness. Complaints from being over-heated. Coryza, with corrosive soreness of nose. Stoppage of right nostril. Pressure at root of nose. Tickling, smarting, as from cobwebs. Fan-like motion of ale. Bleeding from nose relieving the chest.

CLEMATIS ERECTA: Acts especially on skin, glands and genito-urinary organs, especially testicles. Many of these pains are relieved by perspiration. Ilio-scrotal neuralgia. Testicles indurated with bruised feeling. Swelling of scrotum, Orchitis. Right half only. Troubles from suppressed gonorrhea. Violent erections with stitches in urethra. Testicles hang heavy or retracted, with pain along spermatic cord; worse, right side.

RHODODENDRON FERRUGINEUM: Testicles, worse left, swollen, painful, drawn up. Orchitis; glands feel crushed. Indurations and swelling of testes after gonorrhea. All symptoms reappear in rough weather, night, towards morning.